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Why luxury Kenya safaris can still compete

As we all know Kenya is not a political paradise, things happen there which always receive widespread publicity – sadly they are probably happening in other parts of the world regularly but the press do love to build up the Kenyan incidents until everyone thinks it has to be unsafe to travel. This of course only hurts the good Kenyans who are trying to earn a living and continue with a peaceful life. The issues that have arisen in Kenya over the last few months have been in areas which a client on a luxury Kenya safari would never visit – you will be out in the remote and wild bush somewhere, enjoying fantastic game viewing with friendly knowledgeable guides, enjoying meeting the great characters that make Africa so special. Cottars Camp Luxury Kenya safaris remain to this day one of the most popular safari choices for those trying to pick the right African country for them. Despite what the press and negative reports suggest, there are still areas of Kenya, which are incredibly remote, including certain conservancies surrounding the Masai Mara – there should be no reason to spend your time game viewing next to a host of loud minibuses. It really is very easy to avoid. Areas of Laikipia in Northern Kenya are still untouched and pristine, with nothing for miles but nomadic tribes and abundant wildlife. Elephant Pepper Kenya also has many pioneering conservationists who are involved with fascinating projects across Kenya – projects that are really working to protect the wildlife, and doing their best to fight poaching. All luxury Kenya safari properties are support hospitals and schools – responsible tourism is stronger in Kenya than anywhere else, and it’s fantastic to go and be utterly spoilt, as well as knowing you too are supporting the local community by providing education and health care. You can yourself get involved easily, and will be welcomed by local conservation managers or community projects if you would like to see how they work. The lodges and camps in Kenya are also some of the most magical in Africa – when the recession hit they followed suit and offered amazing discounts and offers when other parts of Africa put their prices up, often charging impossibly high rates. The Kenyans aren’t greedy, but a common vein running through all lodge managers and owners (no one actually owns their lodges in Kenya, they are all leased off the local community) is a commitment to their area and their country – they work hard to preserve tribal traditions and conserve wildlife, the passion is infectious. Tassia The cultural element in Kenya is perhaps one reason why this amazing country will never stop attracting people from all over the world. All the tribes are so different but all are charismatic and friendly, and to see their traditional way of life, which they delight in showing you, is humbling and life enriching. Nothing will move you as much as a Masai or Samburu dance, or speaking openly and honestly with your guide about their way of life, before being invited to meet their family at their own village. Kenya really gets under your skin, and no one leaves without having fallen in love with this magical place. Rose Hipwood is Managing Director of Africa Rose Travel Ltd. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

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  1. It hurts to see the media reports that are not true about Kenya. As you said, some of negatives in Kenya happen all over the world and Kenya is no exception.

    But at the same time a lot is there to be admired from its amazing landscape (scenic beauty), savannah rich with magnificent wildlife (lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo and leopard etc), pristine beaches and coral reef, equatorial forests and mighty snow-capped mountains, an exotic history and fascinating modern culture, and endless opportunities for adventure, discovery, relaxation and so much more than you ever expected…

    Thanks for this info…

  2. Nice post, the country is now peaceful and I have no hesitation in recommending a safari to Kenya.

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