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5 top tips for choosing a luxury villa in Orlando

Visitors to Orlando in Florida are spoilt for choice. A travel destination such as Orlando is made even more indulgent by the wealth of luxury accommodation available, but it’s very easy to be sucked in by the first stunning villa you see: swayed by the lagoon-like pool, the mammoth games room or the excellent proximity to the very best attractions. Orlando villa But before you rush into booking, take a deep breath. There are so many incredible villas out there that it’s all too easy to think that a place is close enough to what you need, when what you are really looking for is a place that is perfect. Stick to these five tips and you won’t go wrong. 1. Focus on your trip – who is going, and why? There are plenty of incredible places to stay in Orlando, but whilst a property with granite worktops and a deep pool may be a young couple’s dream, the more mature parents of a large family won’t necessarily agree. Think about what you want and remember your aspirations for your holiday to Orlando as you make your choice, but don’t forget to make sure that your parties’ needs are taken into account and think practically about the requirements you have of the property. If you are travelling with older people or young children, think about how easily you will be able to get to the attractions from the property, and don’t choose somewhere with high balconies or lots of stairs. If it’s a holiday to relax, focus on the in-house luxuries, but if you’re choosing a villa as a base for your sightseeing, concentrate on the proximity to other locations. 2. Consult your party members… but don’t be afraid to make the final decision Asking the advice of your party is a good thing, but trying to act on it all takes it a little too far. Make sure that the needs of your party are catered for, and do try to take others’ wishes into consideration. But you can’t please ‘em all and someone has to make that final decision, so it may as well be you. 3. Make a shortlist of things you require from the property that you really need Location, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, budget, and parking are just some of the things you can’t really compromise on. Once you know what you can’t do without, make sure to screen every property you look at to ensure you are following your own advice, and be wary of straying too far outside your budget. If you’ve done your research and your budget is realistic, you won’t need to. 4. Don’t be afraid to enquire and ask questions Many luxury villa websites have online chat services or helplines you can phone and all will have an email enquiry form, so do make use of these services! If you need to know more about any of the properties listed, there will be people on hand to answer your questions. Showing an interest in a property and entering into a dialogue with a website or property manager can give you a better idea of the company you are dealing with, and more peace of mind if they are helpful and professional. 5. Putting in the hard work now will pay off later Whilst it might seem like a lot of work, doing your research and holding out for the right property for you will guarantee a fabulous holiday in Orlando for your party, and make it all the more memorable. James Mannings is Co-Founder of Top Villas. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

James Mannings

James Mannings is Co-Director of Top Villas.

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One Comment

  1. Great tips! Families with younger kids might also want to keep in mind a luxury villa vacation can turn out to be a better choice cost-wise than a hotel stay. A fully-stocked kitchen can take care of breakfasts and evening snacks for picky eaters, plus splitting costs between two families (if the villa is large enough) can make a fabulous luxury vacation more affordable. Then they’ll have more money to spend on mouse ears ;)

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