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London’s best bar for a daytime brew

There is certainly no shortage of coffee shops in London Town. But for some reason that doesn’t stop us from getting excited when another one pops up in our neighborhood or on our walk to the tube. Now sometimes our caffeine fix has to be satisfied by the substandard chain offering up soy chai mocha lattes with hints of cinebuns and Chistmas crackers. But if we’re really lucky our new local java joint is actually brewing something authentic. BrewBar Coffee House BrewBar Coffee House, just opposite Mornington Crescent tube, is just that – the real deal.  Camden’s coffee aficionados are already buzzing about the trendy new shop where they can get their freshly ground caffeine boost. BrewBar was set up by Tim Baker who was tired of his city job and wanted to pursue his passion for coffee. A man with a plan, Tim took over a derelict space on a pop up shop license and transformed it into a wholesome coffee shop in just four days from signing the lease. He even managed to install a fancy water filter that puts posh Voss water to shame. Staying true to the brew, customers have a choice of bean with details of the origin and the flavours and aromas they can expect all at their disposal. You also have a choice of how your beans are brewed. They use peculiar contraptions that would not be out of place in a scene from Breaking Bad, like the V-60 and single origin syphon filter. But unconventional as they may be, they make for a great drink and a fun show. And while brewed coffee may be the piece de resistance, you can still get a deliciously creamy cappuccino or Ozone Hodson Blend espresso from their uber sophisticated Nuova Simonelli machine. BrewBar Coffee House BrewBar has also collaborated with some local foodies so you can indulge in a naughty nibble or grab a quick snack while enjoying your coffee. The dark chocolate and hazelnut cake (gluten free) is the perfect sweet treat or for a bit of sustenance enjoy the salad box of Sweet Caroline, bulgar wheat with cranberries, broccoli and celery salad from foodZen. BrewBar is pretty easy to find. But in case you struggle, look out for the shop with the wittiest sidewalk chalkboard messages on display. The sign rarely says what’s on offer but it is sure to put a smile on your face. BrewBar Coffee House John-Christian Moquette is a Partner at IAVRA. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

John-Christian Moquette

John-Christian Moquette is a Partner at IAVRA.

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