Specialist travel communities on the rise?
Hyatt have launched their own travel community – called yatt’it. It’s still in beta but is described as a place “where Hyatt Gold Passport ® members share their insider tips on worldwide travel”. The site has a growing collection of insider tips on worldwide travel. Could this kind of site be a growing trend? American Airlines has since launched a similar concept called Milestones.
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Not surprising really, lots of businesses are trying to develop communities amongst their customers. Create fans of the brand rather than customers of it. Makes a lot of sense.
I agree it’s not surprising that companies want to jump on this bandwagon. But just how useful will it be to the consumer? If I wanted know-before-you-go information, I’d go to where I would get a larger number of reviews from the general public. Trip Advisor perhaps.
think it may be more to do with establishing their brand and keep people coming back to them. interesting marketing in the age of social networking!