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Top 10 places you won’t find on Google Maps
Area 51 can be found on Google Maps (though admittedly, much of the operations there probably take place underground), it’s interesting to see what places are hidden.
The 10 places listed in the video are:
10. Reims Air Base, France
9. Sabriya Oil Field, Kuwait
8. Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA
7. Minimi Torishima Airport, Japan
6. NATO Joint Command – Atlantic, Portugal
5. Oil Tanks, Buitenhaven, Vlissingen, Netherlands
4. Ramstein Air Base, Germany
3. North Korea
2. Unmarked possible military base, Russia
1. Blacked-out site, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska, USA
I stumbled upon this video recently, and thought it was rather interesting, so am sharing it here even though there’s no obvious luxury angle. Since even Nevada’s much-talked about 
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Last three is the absolute top ;-) I understand the Alaska commando rule GM provider to cut the last one, but how the Russian base and NK territory was ruled out from the sattelite images? Who, outside of US, could have the power to push the US-based GM-providers to blur the data?
to Sofia: clearly the data is supplied by a local agent (in Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Vietnam, wherever). Or do you think these countries will allow American geographers to chart up their territory?