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A sneak peek at the new BlackBerry 10

RIM‘s Jeff Gadway shows off the new features of a phone that could decide BlackBerry‘s fortunes in the cut-throat smartphone wars. There will be a global launch for the product on 30th January 2013 in which more details will be announced. Do you think this might spark a major comeback for the brand?  RIM does afterall have 79 million subscribers and even if just a small per centage can be convinced to upgrade, this would represent a great start.
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Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.

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