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Win £20,000 / $27,000 / €22,000 in luxury travel advertising!

We know how tough the travel industry is finding it at the moment. Having worked in travel for more than 30 years myself, I’m acutely aware of how difficult it is for travel businesses right now. This is why we ran a competition towards the back-end of last year, to win £10,000 worth in travel advertising. We also know that, whilst the travel industry will no doubt come back strongly, it’s not something that’s going to happen immediately. At the time of writing, here in the UK we have just started our third national lockdown which isn’t due to be reviewed until mid-February, whilst other countries around the world are also facing similar lockdowns. In my opinion, it’s still going to be tough going until the Summer at the earliest, and possibly for some time beyond, so for this reason we’ve decided to offer a second round of support. It’s a small gesture, we know, but this time we’re doubling the value of the prize so that we can help twice as many businesses than before. Entering is simple. Just choose from your preferred social nework out of Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin by clicking on one of the links below. Each of these links takes you to a post for the competition. Follow the instructions that are set out in the post (the process is broadly the same regardless of which platform you choose) and then keep your fingers crossed for when we draw the winners at the end of April 2021.

Facebook competition link

Twitter competition link

Linkedin competition link

Until then… we wish you the best of luck, as well as all the best for the months that lie ahead.

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.

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  1. I read that flight search sites are seeing far more activity than is usual at this time of year, although few are able to travel at the moment there’s going to be an absolute explosion of interest when we can travel. This is a very helpful competition to put travel businesses into pole position for when we get the green light on travel. Competition will be intense, getting travellers to set their dreams now will help.

    1. The people that I feel sorry for are those who retired over the last year with great plans for travelling the world. A couple of my friends are feeling really frustrated and are itching to get going.

    2. Thanks for dropping by, Jeff and Roger. I think there’s no doubt that there’s a huge pent-up demand out there. It’s a question of when, not if, I think!

  2. If only the government would also take some generous action to help an industry employing thousands that really is in need of some support.

    1. Hi Diana

      In fairness, I think it’s been tough for everyone. For individuals, for businesses and for governments. We are dealing with something that we’ve never previously had to deal with in our lifetimes. Government debts have spiralled in the past year. There’s been some help, and I can totally understand people saying it’s not been enough (many otherwise successful businesses have failed, many people in travel have sadly lost their jobs), but this is all going to be to pay for for many years to come, through taxes, etc. Wherever you stand politically, I think governments are on a hiding to nothing to be honest. On the one hand, support has been woefully inadqueate, but on the other… how much do we want to continue paying the price of the pandemic for many years to come afterwards? It’s a very tricky situation but I hope our competition will go a small way towards helping some.

      Kind regards


    2. Regarding government debt, curbing inflation may drop down government’s priorities’ lists over the next couple of decades.

  3. I just hope the slow roll out doesnt for my country of Ecuador or Peru for that matter to ramp up restrictions again with no flattening of any curve. The new strains in Brazil and UK are scaring travelers again just when we were seeing some light at the end of teh tunnel. The Galapagos Islands were we have our office and Luxury Yahcts have enjoyed a human interraction rest for almost a year so there is that.

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