The view from the very, very top of the Burj Dubai
Burj Dubai‘s spire and gives an interesting perspective over the surrounding area. Even some skyscrapers look miniscule in comparison.
This amateur video footage is taken from the very top of the Did you enjoy this article?
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wow you really need a head for heights.
I got vertigo, just watching the video. It reminded me of this incredible Lakeside cabin I was at in Blue Ridge. I leaned up against the railing on an upper deck and when I followed the trees down to the ground, I suddenly felt dizzy. We were almost at the tops of these huge trees.
Beautiful, though.
Yes, it’s amazing view taken by a site or project manager. Its great footage!
its along way down, the last time i was there it was closed i am due back in dubai next week so will see if it is open and i am feeling brave!