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5 reasons to choose all-inclusive deals on a luxury cruise

Luxury cruise holidays are popular with those wishing to see a multitude of beautiful locations and sights in one single trip. Cruising can save travellers significant money compared to making similar trips using other means of transport. This is particularly true for passengers who book all-inclusive cruise deals, since the costs related to flights, transfers, food and drink and excursions are lessened, since they are included in the deal’s sum. Let’s have a closer look at why all-inclusive deals are the ideal choice for those looking to book themselves a cruise… The estimated savings are conservative When cruise companies detail how much money can be saved through booking an all-inclusive cruise compared to a standard one, the estimate is somewhat conservative. This is because the figures used are derived from average passenger consumptions. The typical customer might only drink five cocktails during a seven day cruise for example, but all-inclusive customers wanting more alcohol will not be denied. One snack and one treat (e.g. an ice cream) per customer, per day might also be expected but passengers can eat as many as they fancy. The amount of money saved could be even greater should the health of the destination’s economy decrease before your trip (i.e. goods and excursion costs increase, but booking in advance saw previous, cheaper rates apply). No fear of purse loss or theft No one wants to check their handbag or back pocket for their purse/wallet every five minutes while trying to enjoy what is supposed to be a relaxing holiday. Those who do not book themselves an all-inclusive holiday are particularly vulnerable to doing exactly that though, particularly because many travellers carry significant foreign currency on their person. This also makes holidaymakers susceptible to theft. Those who book an all-inclusive cruise will have no such worries. Since all food and drink on-board is included free as part of such deals, there’s no fear of leaving your wallet behind in the bar after a few tipples. Of course, you might wish to bring a little money with you to buy mementos and/or gifts when visiting your cruise’s various ports of call, but for the most part you will not need to carry any cash. The cost of port excursions is included Many cruises offer passengers the chance to indulge in special experiences as part of their trip. For example, those taking an Alaskan cruise may like to embark on the sea otter and wildlife quest in Sitka, or ride the White Pass scenic railroad in Skagway. All-inclusive cruises cover the cost of these excursions. Those who decide to book a non all-inclusive package are usually welcome to take part in such activities also, assuming there are any places left (some excursions restrict the number of participants allowed). It should be noted however, that those who do manage to secure a place on excursions at the last minute might have to shell out significantly more – advance booking generally sees cruise companies saving a significant sum. There’s no need to tip ship staff Many travellers over-tip bell boys and waitresses while on holiday, due to not fully comprehending the local currency and/or not wanting to appear rude. This can see more money spent than was initially planned. Those embarking on all-inclusive cruises however will not have to tip at all, as this is included in the cost (in most instances). The average tip for restaurant staff is 10% of the total meal cost, but what’s 10% of a free dinner? Exactly! Not needing to tip sees passengers leave the maths at home and truly unwind. Less organisation and worry Although holidays are meant to leave people feeling refreshed, they can be very stressful at times. Being in unknown territory can be daunting enough, but is even more so when navigating to certain points (such as a train station) before a deadline is necessary. Passengers on all-inclusive cruises, will largely be directed to where they need by the cruise line’s excursion staff. Meeting points within ports are clearly defined, but anyone concerned regarding where they need to be have the rest of the cruise party to follow. Scott Anderson is General Manager at The Luxury Cruise Company. The Luxury Cruise Company is your port of call for incredible cruise holidays. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

Scott Anderson

Scott is one of the most well-travelled people, having visited more than 70 countries and counting. He has worked in the cruise industry since he was 19 years old, beginning as a cruise ship photographer and duty free shop manager, and knows more than most how enjoyable cruising can be.

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  1. Not sure that the staff on all inclusive cruises would agree with the not tipping point! From what I’m aware, a lot of cruises have suggested amounts that you should tip daily to certain members of staff; rather than a percentage of a meal and so on.

    I’m pretty certain that the staff on all inclusive cruises get just as poor wages as those on regular cruises, so it really isn’t fair to suggest people stiff them based on the fact they get a ‘free’ dinner.

  2. I have sailed over 200 days on small ship luxury cruises. All-inclusive is the only way I cruise. Tipping is not expected and it is not “stiffing” the help. All-inclusive lines discourage the tipping, encouraging guests to contribute to a special “cruise fund” for staff if they really want to acknowledge a staff member. Also, staff members appreciate being mentioned on comment cards as it leads to promotions for them.

  3. My husband and I have cruised extensively on many different types of ships. We have decided that all-inclusive is by far the most relaxing. The atmosphere feels different from those ships where you are presented with a chit every time you turn around – even to the extent of paying for bottled water to take on tours. We have talked to many of the staff who tell us that they prefer these ships, perhaps because of different clientele. We do always have an envelope for those who go above and beyond the normal high standards.

  4. Here goes…have you EVER cruised in your life?

    1. Everything other than Booze is included in any cruise. There are some options to pay for certain dining experiences now, but you can eat as many icecreams as you like 24/7 for no fee. Yes all inclusive pax want to drink as much free drinks as possible to reclaim value – you say 5 is the benchmark – therefore is the price of all inclusive vs non all inclusive $35? Or is it several thousand?

    2. No fear of purse loss? What??? No cruise ship uses cash. They are all on an Onboard Credit System where you room key is your bar tab. And if it gets stolen you can challenge it onboard or at home with your credit card provider. Nobody carries a bag of cash.. even 40 years ago they didn’t because they ARE ON A CRUISE they have a cabin.

    3. Shorex on a ship uses local resources at an inflated rate, from 2x to 4x what you would pay a local operator (for exactly the same tour) by paying for one at 4x every day you are forcing yourself to binge like you did on the Pina Colada and to squeeze the value out of the trip you KNOW cost too much you will drag yourself out of bed with a cheap hangover to do a ‘free’ tour.

    4. Tipping is now a set amount per diem. You pre pay, typically $12 per day on your onboard account (linked to your creditcard/room key – don’t need a purse I promise).

    5. The same organization and worry. There is no difference. Cruise lines are highly organized operations and will take care of you.

    The writer of this post is trying to sell a more expensive cruise so he can make more commission from it.

    There are reasons to cruise on the high end, and it is a shame that a person selling this doesn’t know them.



  5. Guys watch out with “all inclusive” cruises because between tipping and booze and “premium” meals this could easily add up to more than what you paid for the trip.

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