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5 of the world’s most remote destinations

Sometimes there are times in which you might wish to get away from it all… the stresses and woes of daily life. Seek out these remote destinations and you can be guaranteed to enjoy some peaceful solitude! Here are 5 of the world’s most remote places to lose yourself. Easter Island, Chile Surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, lies the mysterious and interesting Easter Island. Renowned for being the home to over 800 majestic statues called Moai, Easter Island is one of the world’s most lonesome inhabited islands. Spend your time exploring the fascinating history of the island in a wonderfully isolated environment. Easter Island Quttinirpaaq National Park, Canada Quittinirpaaq (pronounced ‘koo-tin-ir-pa-ak’) National Park is located at the northern tip of Ellesmere Island and is an immense landscape of secluded adventure. Getting here is a feat in itself, involving multiple flights and reaching high latitudes. Quttinirpaaq National Park The Empty Quarter, Saudi Arabia For the determined and the tenacious, The Empty Quarter is a desolate and vast environment to explore. Covering the largest sand area in the world, discover the stunningly formed sand dunes at The Empty Quarter at this mystical and rarely explored landscape. Empty Quarter Antarctica If you really want to be as far from human civilization as possible then the Antarctica could be the destination for you. The Antarctica is the coldest part of the world and for company you can enjoy the sights of wildlife such as penguins, seals and icebergs galore! Antarctica Nauru, Micronesia For ultimate remoteness, take a visit to one of the world’s least visited country. You may not have heard of it but Nauru is just eight square miles and has a population of 10,000. Set in the South Pacific, Nauru offers pristine and untouched beaches in an undiscovered paradise for many. Nauru Louise Cheng is Marketing Manager at Holidaysplease.

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  1. Surely I can’t be the only one reading this and thinking – what a load of rubbish? The empty quarter, Micronesia, Antarctica are all accessible. How can the empty quarter be remote? It covers a huge section of desert.

    Tristan da Cunha, Saint Helena and Foula are far more remote. I think this should have been called 5 of the worlds most remote destinations our holiday company wan to sell. Who ever researched this article haa done a poor job.

  2. Easter Island and Naura are the only ones that really excite me. Easter Island for the history and Naura for the beauty. Antarctica would be neat but I am not a fan of cold.

  3. Easter Island is a magic place that must be on any bucket list, for sure you will enjoy visiting the national park, eat the greatest tuna fish ever and listen stories about moais from local people.
    BUT hurry up, its getting crowded.
    Iorana (hello and bye in polinessian language)

  4. Nice list and definitely some of which I would like to be right now, however not really the Worlds most remote destinations of course… Take Amsterdam island for example – that’s remote! :O

  5. Amazing list! Easter Islands are on my travel bucket list for sure! Antarctica would be absolutely incredible as well, but a challenge to deal with the cold! ;-) The cute penguins would make up for that though ;-)

  6. I’ve never heard of the Canadian Park before, although it looks cool. I would love to go to Saudi Arabia, but the Empty Quarter. I completely plan to go to the other places.

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