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6 unusual animals you’ll find on the Galapagos Islands

There are places you travel to because you’ve had friends tell you about them. There are places you travel to because you just want to. There are places you travel to because they’re on everyone’s bucket list. And finally, there are places that you travel to because they fit all of the above. One such place would be the Galapagos Islands. I’m a huge advocate of self-discovery and exploring the unknown and that is exactly what these exotic islands provided. If you need further motivation to visit this magnificent paradise, here are some interesting animals that are sure to catch your eye. Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands boast an astoundingly vast array of exotic animals. You’ll be immediately thrown into the midst of some of the most interesting and beautiful animals and wildlife in the world. Cycling in Imbabura Galapagos penguins These little critters are the only penguins on earth that live north of the equator (in the wild). Due to the Humboldt Current and cool waters from the deeper waters brought up by the Cromwell Current, the penguins are able to survive in the island’s much warmer climate. If you thought you had to travel to Antarctica or other cold regions to see these birds, think again. Galapagos island penguin Blue-footed boobies Like the poster child for the Galapagos Islands, the blue-footed boobies are both gorgeous and mesmerizing. Their wings can span up to 1.5m and they rank right up there with the albatross as an exceptional avian species. There’s nowhere else on earth that you can witness these magnificent creatures. Blue-footed boobies Giant tortoises The giant tortoises you’ll see on the Galapagos are highly endangered. They are the world’s largest tortoises weighting up to 250kg and up to 1.5 meters long! Since being discovered in 1835, the giant tortoise species has decreased from 15 distinct species to 11, and with less than 20,000 giant tortoises remaining. You’ll be able to get up close and personal with these ancient creatures. Tortoise Green turtles Unlike the turtles you often see on beaches, these green turtles are not scared of humans. You can get close enough to snorkel right beside these amazing animals. The only thing you should remember is that, this protected ecosystem has survived so long because of its Look, Don’t Touch policy. Green turtle Marine iguanas These exotic creatures are as intriguing as they are unnerving. Watch them lounge in the sun with their razor sharp teeth and smashed in snouts. They are truly a sight to be seen! Marine iguanas Sea lions The moment you arrive on the exotic Galapagos Islands, head for the incredible sea lion refuge in San Cristobal. Get up close and personal with the curious pups and capture photos you couldn’t even dream of taking. Baby sea lion If the wildlife appeal is not enough to draw you to the island, don’t fret. The Galapagos Islands appeal to any type of traveler. Foodies will enjoy the delicious seafood and countless exotic fruits. Surrounded by marine life, seafood is plentiful and you’ll delight in some of the freshest fares the world has to offer. Want to wash it down with something refreshing? Try a juice created from exotic fruits like guanabana and fresh coconuts. Quench your thirst with the islands’ flavors and savor the sweetness of your travels. Cuicocha Crater Lake If food doesn’t whet your palate, how about history and adventure? Explore the world of Charles Darwin’s discoveries and marvel at the locations he began collecting samples. Geography buffs will marvel at the Islands’ topography. Considered one of the most active volcanic regions on the planet, some of the islands are barren without a hint of tropical landscape, but the odd striking combination of both black lava and colorful beaches will make for some epic photos. For beach lovers, no beach will ever be the same after a trip to these islands. The beaches of the Galapagos are truly one-of-a-kind. Rather than sharing the beach with fellow tourists, vendors and loud children, you’ll share the crystal clear waters and soft sands with exotic animals. Talk about colorful! Ecuador volcano As you can see, it doesn’t matter if you’re an animal lover, and adventure seeker, a beach goer, or any other type of traveler, the Galapagos has something for everyone. If you want to take a vacation you’ll never forget, travel to the Galapagos Islands, and don’t forget your camera! Andy Levine is the President/Founder of DuVine Cycling + Adventure Co. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

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