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Why stay in a hotel when you can rent an apartment?

It is no secret that vacation rentals have become increasingly attractive to travelers compared to traditional hotels. Today, more travelers than ever have stayed in a vacation rental as an alternative to a traditional hotel during the past two years. But what about you? Ask yourselves why a hotel when you can rent an apartment? Here are 4 benefits you will get if you choose to stay in an apartment on your next trip. Staying in a home instead of a hotel gives you a more local experience… If you want to experience the authenticity of a place, experience it like a local person. Renting an apartment in a true neighborhood is a straightforward way to feel like a local. Instead of staying in standardised hotel rooms, apartment rentals provide an opportunity for total immersion in another city. For instance if you are staying in a charming Parisian apartment, every morning you could hop over to the local boulangerie to get a fresh baguette or croissant for breakfast. You will begin to feel like you really belong in the city you have chosen. Local experience Staying in an apartment gives you more space… If confined hotel rooms are not your thing, you will welcome the additional space that apartments offer. Would you like to have extra rooms to unwind instead of being cramped up in one room. A vacation home can average 2000 square footage compared to 400 square footage for an average hotel room. You will realize very quickly how nice it is to come back after a long day of sightseeing to a home where you have extra space to lounge! Space Staying in an apartment provides you a family and group-friendly place… Hotels are not very convenient for your 3 children whereas installing your family in a apartment means you can carry on with your normal routine while enjoying the adventure of exploring a new city. Apartment rentals have proved to be perfect for groups of friends or family travelling together. You’ll keep your family or group together and you will be able to stay up as late as you want, enjoying the amenities that come with your apartment. Group and family friendly Staying in an apartment will offer you more privacy… Another benefit of an apartment rental is that they offer a lot more privacy than traditional hotels where you end up being a part of a community of strangers. In a private vacation rental, the place is yours and yours alone. You will get the flexibility to enjoy your holiday to the tune of your rhythm. You will enjoy your morning coffee in your pyjamas because no one like to dress up for breakfast buffets! Specially if you are looking for a little romance, hotel rooms can be difficult places to kindle a romance. Choosing a vacation rental means you can look for somewhere more romantic – your little love nest away from home! Privacy Vacation rentals are a great alternative to hotels; but there are plenty of great hotels out there. So now that you are aware of the benefits of vacation rentals, where would you prefer to stay on your next trip? Irina Raileanu is the owner and Director at Avenue Story. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

Irina Raileanu

Irina Raileanu is the Owner and Director at Avenue Story, a company that specialises in offering short-term luxury apartment rentals for holiday and business travels in Paris , London and Barcelona, with the view of expanding to New York in the future.

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  1. Holiday homes & apartments offer more space, privacy, and freedom than hotel rooms. Not to forget the fully equipped kitchens! You can easily buy groceries from the local supermarket and prepare home cooked meals. No more expensive mini-bars!

  2. I much prefer staying in an apartment rather than a hotel, it allows you relax as you do in your own home, especially when you have a big family and need the space.

  3. apartment i do not know, we regularly rent a house instead of checking in with the whole family or friend in a hotel. we enjoy it,as it gives a high degree of independence.

  4. Because in a hotel someone makes your bed, cleans your toilet, changes your towels. Someone makes your breakfast and gives you a choice. Someone else shops for your food. Someone is on hand to advise you where how and when to go to… And, and, and. Use the services of the professionals.

  5. My friends and I have decided to take a break and go on an adventurous island trip. Thanks for listing the benefits of renting an apartment for vacation rentals. I like what you said that this offers more privacy and space for the four of us, which makes quality time better. Hopefully, I can find one near our destination.

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