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New York City in 10 exciting tours

As the song made famous by Gerard Kenny goes – ‘New York, New York, so good they named it twice’, New York is truly a city that is unique in so many ways and there really is no other like it in the world! A city that has many a song written about it.  This bustling, big metropolis is home to immigrants from all over the world, immigrants who have brought with them over 800 languages and various cuisines. Everything in New York City seems larger than life. ‘The Big Apple’, so to speak, and it has a lot to offer to every visitor to the city. Here are some exciting ways to take it all in: 1. Wine, jazz and the New York City lights How about a chilled out view of New York City by night over fine wine and jazz? Just the way to see this wonderful city. The Bateaux New York offers you a tour like none other. Dress up in your finest, step aboard a luxury vessel, covered by a climate controlled glass dome, and it is  smooth sailing along the waters with breathtaking views of the lights of New York City. This three hour cruise takes you around Ellis Island, Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridge as you sit at your table feasting on gourmet cuisine and listening to some great jazz. Its a treat for the senses. There are two out door decks to step out into if you would like to feel the breeze in your hair while you drink in the awesomeness of New York City by night. 1 Bateaux New York 2.- Intimate sailing tours Tribeca Sailing only takes small groups of up to 6 on tours over the New York Harbor. The smallness of the group makes the experience more personalized, intimate and memorable. The Tara is sailed by a very experienced Captain who provides wonderful service to acquaint you with Lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty with verve. An ideal tour to take if you are a group of friends or visiting New York City with your family. It’s a great trip to be on if you plan to propose to your girlfriend, for they do charter trips for two. Exciting, huh? 2 Tribeca Sailing 3. An authentic look at NYC  See New York City with a New Yorker, like a New Yorker. Customized private tours conducted by seasoned New Yorkers who take pride in their city bring historic places, artistic areas and popular cultural hangouts alive for you. Whatever your interests are, whatever your whims might be, a customized tour gives you the best experience of New York City that you could wish for, and yes, this is certainly the best way to see and remember your visit! Visit each place and learn all the stories behind them, the good and the bad, stories only a die hard New Yorker would be privy to. It is way better than pouring over guide books and trying to absorb dry facts, don’t you think? A customized tour with Custom and Private Tours takes you to the pulse that makes this city throb. 3 Custom & Private Tours 4. A bird’s eye view of NYC Want a completely different perspective of New York City? Well, how about a hovering over it? HeliNy offers you tours by air – a helicopter, an eloquent pilot and a sweeping tour over the city. If you’ve never seen the iconic Manhattan skyline from the air, this tour is certainly worth it. You can’t beat the exhilaration of soaring through the air by day or night to take in the world’s favorite city. There are rides to suit everyone, lasting from 12 minutes to 30. An ideal tour if you are strapped for time, but would yet like to get a feel of the City or even if you’ve seen NYC in every which way, but this one. 4 HelyNY 5. Shop hop at designer boutiques Who doesn’t enjoy a bit of retail therapy? Make that exclusive retail therapy in New York City and it is one that is hard to resist. Styleroom offers you a shopping experience like no other. What would you say if you could visit boutiques of famous designers and were able to buy the newest fashions at discounts? Yes, it is possible! Karen Parker O’Brien makes it possible when you sign on to her tour – Styleroom, with 20 years of experience in the fashion world and her exclusive contacts. Each shopping tour is personalized with Karen accompanying you and helping you choose what suits you best. Shopping couldn’t get more satisfying or better than this. 5 Styleroom 6. An unforgettable trip by inflatable boat This is an adventure tour, and is run by New York Media Boat Tours. It’s a tour with an exciting difference. You get to zip around the New York Harbor in an inflatable boat that is designed and approved by the US Navy, a boat that is used by the CNN news crew to cover breaking news. Now, how tempting is that?! Take this tour to spend an hour and a half of adventurous sightseeing. If you are into photography, the photography excursions give you three hours of unusual photo opportunities at ship graveyards, industrial canals, bridges etc. Certainly a rather unusual way to see New York City. These exclusive trips are guaranteed to be worth every minute. 6 My Media Boat 7.- Limo and cocktails – a New York night out Take Me Out gives you a taste of the New York City night life from the luxurious comfort of a limousine. Experience the lush life in an unforgettable way. No queues to contend with, just expect to be picked up in a Limo,  settle into your  seat, sip on an exotic cocktail specially shaken up for you and be prepared to live it up. Take Me Out is Ori Mor’s brain child, one that he started in 2012 and has turned into a roaring success. This VIP tour takes you to the most exclusive and secret night spots in the city, a three hour trip of fun and glamor.  Prepare to be surprised and delighted. So don your glad rags and see what New York City has got to offer! 7 Take Me Out NYC 8. A walkabout to talk about And so, this is a wonderful way to get to know the city that never sleeps – by taking a walking tour. Gotham Walking Tours is a private company that makes it fun, informative, interactive and very inviting. Lina Viviano, a highly acclaimed Harvard graduate and licensed tour guide, has  just the tour lined up for you. With her deep rooted passion for New York, she can take you weaving through China Town, Lower Manhattan, Little Italy, Central Park or wherever your interests lie.  Lina guides you through this city with its many historical buildings, eclectic architecture and takes you to local places known only to a native New Yorker. She also introduces you to the food culture that is so unique to NYC, that should warm the cockles of a foodie’s heart! Yet another intimate and memorable way to see New York City. Experience New York City as a traveler, and not just as another tourist. 8 Walking NYC Tours 9.  May the food be with you Why not consider taking a gastronomic trip through New York City? Visit the many delicious eateries, get to learn the historic origins of each food. New York City being a melting pot of cultures from all over the world, you will find an offering of every sort of cuisine in the Big Apple. Foods of New York Tours promises you an off beat experience, giving you tantalizing glimpses into the ethnic food culture of the average New York resident. And really, its not just about the food, it is a blend of the cultures, the history, the architecture and the various influences that have brought into existence the quintessential New York City food. 9 Foods of NYC 10. Hang out with a Museum Hack A museum, you say? I bet what comes to your mind as you yawn is ‘ ah, booooring’. But not with the Museum Hack. Their museum tours are anything but boring! A tour with a difference, a guide customizes each tour, weaving tales around the exhibits, bringing each one to life with facts, trivia, gossip, scandal and what have you (un-highlights, as they are referred to). The stories are wild, wacky, strange, sexy and narrated by appropriately wacky guides, making for a museum trip that leaves you thirsting for more. Has this piqued your interest? 10 Museum Hack Carmen Anderson is Founder of Here and There Without a Care. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

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