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Luxury travel news this week

Here’s a round-up of luxury travel stories that have caught the eye this week. To make sure you receive these new weekly alerts in your web browser, please click on the red bell icon in the bottom right hand corner of the page and click ‘subscribe’ (works on desktop only – for other ways to subscribe, please click here). This will also alert you to any other posts on the blog. Should you wish, you can unsubscribe at any time, by clicking on the icon again and selecting ‘unsubscribe’. Why luxury resorts in Cyprus are installing ‘cat hotels’ for strays We’ve all come across stray cats in European holiday destinations. They’re a dime a dozen in places like Greece and Cyprus, and people tend to either love them or loathe them. For those in the former category, seeing thin or injured felines lurking around is a sorry sight to behold. For locals and hotel managers, their presence is a nuisance… [read more] Stonehenge and the battle over a $3 billion tunnel under one of the world’s most famous prehistoric sites For millennia Stonehenge has been the centrepiece of Neolithic funerals, druid festivals and pagan ceremonies. Now the iconic monoliths find themselves at the centre of a battle over traffic and money — and the potential destruction of priceless artefacts. The British Government wants to plunge a 2-kilometre, $3 billion tunnel underneath the Stonehenge World Heritage site… [read more] First class is disappearing from airlines First class is disappearing at a worrying rate. As an increasing number of airlines opt to either reduce capacity or eliminate it completely, Simple Flying asks why, and what’s going on in the world of premium travel? If you’re keen to fly first class, good luck in finding a seat… [read more] Axe-wielding robbers steal €400k of jewels from luxury Paris hotel French police are searching for a team of robbers who stole thousands of euros’ worth of jewels and luxury clothing in a nighttime raid at a plush hotel in Paris. Two men wearing balaclavas and gloves entered the Peninsula hotel, just a stone’s throw from the Arc de Triomphe, shortly after midnight and held employees at gunpoint, police sources said. One of the attackers then used an axe to break into four display cases, making off with items worth a total of €350,000 to €400,000… [read more] 10 of the world’s most scenic stargazing holidays he Milky Way over the desert, Norwegian Lights in Tromso and a planet-themed cruise to New York – there are all sorts of ways to build a holiday around star-gazing… [read more] We really enjoy hearing from our readers and would love to hear your views on any of these stories! Please click on the comments below and share your thoughts. Thank you. Have a story you’d like to share? Please contact us for details.

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.

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  1. By coincidence I drove past Stone Henge on the Highway to Hell, the A303, this morning. (Actually the traffic wasn’t too bad at all.)

    I didn’t stop but I was saddened to see how far visitors are now kept away from the monument. Long, long ago I can remember walking through the stones and touching them.

    I totally appreciate the need to preserve the monument but I still feel that we could be allowed a little closer and somehow helped to feel part of this great monument.

    And don’t forget that at the end of Thomas Hardy’s tragic novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Tess is actually found sleeping against one of the stones. Yes, it’s a difficult problem but for me the distance means that the stones have lost their attraction.

  2. I often find the sight of thin cats, obviously sometimes in very poor health, quite difficult when I am on holiday. I would welcome any measures to make their lives a little easier. I remember a few years ago seeing an island in Cordoba’s river overrun by cats but plenty of the locals threw food across to them and they seemed to be thriving.

  3. When you look at the huge differential between First Class and Economy on a long haul flight you cannot help but think how many nights in a luxury hotel that sum would buy you. Alternatively that £5k, £6k etc could buy you some luxurious cruises at your destination. Perhaps a cruise or a safari. To be honest I am surprised that First Class has survived so long.

    1. As ever who is paying will be a key determinant. Most of us can put together a convincing case to our boss that we ought to fly Business Class. We will be well fed and watered, will get a good night’s sleep and will have time to do some work on the plane. Anyone remember that iconic 1980s British Airways advert about a business reception committee, in New York, about to crucify a businessman from London on the overnight red-eye flight until they discover that he’s flown BA Business Class and is well-prepared for the fight?

      Trying to persuade the powers that be that you ought to be flying 1st Class is another matter. As it’s hard to justify, on business expenses, that immediately shrinks the market.

  4. There’s been an amazing take-off in these Dark Skies holidays lately. A few years ago I went to the Kalahari desert expecting a fantastic Safari. What I didn’t expect was the absolutely jaw-dropping night sky. When I look back seeing the Milky Way at night was definitely the most memorable experience. The manager of the Safari Lidge, in the middle of nowhere shut the lights down for 10 minutes and gave us the most amazing tour of the night skies.

  5. The Paris robbery story is quite reassuring, I’d never be able to afford to stay in that sort of luxury anyway.

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