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Top skylines in the world

- 1. Hong Kong (China)
- 2. Chicago (USA)
- 3. Shanghai (China)
- 4. New York City (USA)
- 5. Tokyo (Japan)
- 6. Singapore
- 7. Toronto (Canada)
- 8. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
- 9. Shenshen (China)
- 10. Seoul (South Korea)
- 11. Sao Paolo (Brazil)
- 12. Sydney (Australia)
- 13. Frankfurt (Germany)
- 14. Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
- 15. Seattle (USA)
- 16. Pittsburgh (USA)
- 17. Guangzhou (China)
- 18. Dallas (USA)
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I just wanted to say that I’ve personally seen 10 of the skylines named on this list. My vote for the best one goes to Tokyo, simply because of the sheer expanse of it all. It is really amazing how it seems to go on and on… At any rate, cool post!
My vote goes to Sydney – with the fabulous opera house, harbour bridge and city. Although Edinburgh’s skyline with the castle is pretty good too!
There are some i agree with and others that i find strange to be on the list i thought maybe paris, venice, rome or london might of made it on the list i find the likes of dallas, chicago, shenshen and pittsburgh unusual choices, not that there is anything wrong with those skylines.