Special feature: The Big Black Book
Esquire have sent me a copy of their latest product, The Big Black Book. Billed as ‘the style manual for successful men’ (ahhhhh… so that’s why they sent me a copy – joke!), this book-come-magazine is full of all manner of snippets of useful information. Complete with a short guide to chivalry, the publication also tells you the rules of lateness, which flowers to give – and when, how to attend a party for the shortest time possible, how to buy a business suit and which tools every man needs in his wardrobe.
Unsurprisingly, the cover is black. Both front and back. In fact, it’s been a conscious decision to keep the front free of any celebrity and the back from any advertising, so as to ensure that The Big Black Book doesn’t date so quickly and thus sits around on coffee tables a little longer than it might otherwise. As you’d perhaps expect from Esquire, it’s all very fashion-oriented, but there’s also a significant travel component, including details of numerous hidden gems. Bacule Bar at Cape Town‘s Victoria & Albert Waterfront, the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro, AL and Persol sunglasses each get a brief mention. More in-depth articles on luggage from the likes of Louis Vuitton and Dunhill, and – in particular – ‘a guide to civilized adventure’ – offer a little more substance.
Aimed at the American market, for me the 2006 publication is a little too ‘advertisement-heavy’ (there’s over 70 pages, in fact, covering everyone from Bombardier to Valentino) but this no doubt accounts for the modest price tag of $9.95. If you want to get a bit more of an insight into it before parting with your money, head over to MSN Lifestyle: Men where they’re presenting extracts from The Big Black Book as part of a tie-up with Esquire.
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Looks like a classy kind of book – very interesting from the way you discuss it – will be sure to check it out.