Comment spam getting past Akismet
Wordpress bloggers out there currently experiencing problems with comment spam? I’ve been using Akismet for some time, mostly with reasonable results with the vast majority of spam being successfully captured. In the last few days, however, I’ve had more than 300 get through. Well… I say ‘get through’ but since first-time commenters have to be approved, they didn’t make it on to the site. It’s still annoying to have them clogging up the admin interface, however. Anyone else experiencing similar problems?
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Hmmm… problem hopefully solved. It looks like I just needed to update the plugin.
Akismet is just the best. It’s incredible how well it works. Also gmail has a fab spam block – I rarely get spam in my inbox or falsely labelled message in the spam. Yahoo, on the other hand, don’t get me started… I am ready to abandon ship on my Yahoo mail due to the floods of spam I get there.
Like the site by the way! Although I still stay in hostels, now I am increasingly an old fart I like an odd bit of luxury now and again… now that I can afford it!
Best wishes
I Use Squarespace for our blog site at www. and “Touch Wood” only get the odd 1 or two spammers. The Squarespace system seems to weedle them out extremely well. You’d think these spammers would get a life and find something better to do!