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Man visits all 201 countries without using a plane
The Odyssey Expedition.
Visiting all 201 countries in the world is a feat in itself that few people ever achieve. British man Graham Hughes, though, has taken that challenge to a new level. He’s visited every country in the world in just 1,426 days, covering 160,000 miles in the process – and incredibly, he’s done it all without going on a plane.
Some highlights of his epic adventure have included spending four days in a leaky boat in order to reach Cape Verde, eating live octopus in South Korea, being arrested in Russia, meeting the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, joining a Bwiti tribe in Gabon, being jailed for a week in Congo, and apparently being saved from Muslim fundamentalists by a Filipino ladyboy!
He is the first person to visit all 201 soveriegn nations of the world without flying, and holds the Guinness World Record for ‘The Most Countries Visited in One Year by Scheduled Ground Transport’.
You can read more about his amazing adventures on his site, Did you enjoy this article?
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