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Ambitious Mumbai development which sees balconies replaced with swimming pools

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Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.
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Loving this. How amazing to step onto one’s private balcony into a pool. When is it due for completion?
Wow – as a dumb consumer I want one! But there is part of me that says it might be trouble – the part that has a friend who is a structural engineer who wouldn’t even have a balcony in his apartment due to the issues with combining indoor outdoor spaces…
I still want one though!
Would make me feel very uncomfortable from the safety aspect, and the view over a third world city. Money would be far better spent improving slum dwellings of the local inhabitants.
Sign me up! I have seen some balcony plunge pools in KL, but these look amazing! From what I have heard and seen though, when you have a pool this close, you take it for granted, and never end up using it!
I love the idea, but would be afraid to use. I guess it is good but I could never be able to afford some place like that.
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Matt says:
April 22, 2013 at 1:12 pm
Wow as a dumb consumer I want one! But there is part of me that says it might be trouble the part that has a friend who is a structural engineer who wouldnt even have a balcony in his apartment due to the issues with combining indoor outdoor spaces
I would want one just to re-sell to the dumb consumers!!
Its just amazing. I am eagerly waiting for this to happen. This would be the biggest hotel in Mumbai as well as in India
My main issue is in the close-up photo above the lady in the water and the gentleman sitting on the side, there is a woman walking on the patio near the pool. The pool becomes narrow towards the ends of it and there isn’t a railing or anything to prevent you from slipping on the wet deck and plummeting to your ultimate death. The see-through walls surrounding the pool needs to be extended upward in order to prevent an accident like this. But then that defeats the purpose of a balcony pool because it’d be in-closed. Though, I am certain they will figure something out.
Wow that’s totally amazing I would love to one day if I’m lucky enough to stay in a place like that. That is so beautiful loving the look and privacy of the balcony pool. Here’s one to add to my wish list, bucket list.
They should have clear walls that come up high on the outside to prevent accidents. People drinking, kids playing ect. Great idea though.
Very nice looking. Let’s just ignore the fact that maintenance fees and logistics on this place alone would be astronomic and in no way sustainable without massive amounts resource imports…. But it’s great to see that people still choose to chase farcical “pie in the sky” fantasy skyscrapers that spit in the face of logic and practicality.
It looks amazing;however, i would definitely have some safety concerns. For instance, what if u have a child over who uses a floaty or airmat. What keeps the kid (or anyone for that matter) from floating right on off the edge??. Then again, this is just a prototype. Hopefully these concerns were brought up in one of the roundtable meetings.
Where is this located again? And when’s it Gona be completed? because im definitely going their as soon as it is done
Looks like a difficult task but if you are willing to pay the right price it can always be accomplished. Think of sea world and there tanks having all that glass. Then under each pool would be a perfectly Strong “I” beam or two supporting all the weight. I would like to see how the local codes change the design.
Looks to me like an accident waiting to happen! I’m afraid of heights but I do like to have a balcony when I travel, to sit outside and drink my coffee, looking at the ocean, if we are at the beach, a river or the mountains when we go to Gatlinburg, TN. I don’t think I’d be going on that balcony at all but would have a hard time keeping my son out of it! It’s hard enough getting him out of an indoor pool in the lobby to go shower and get ready for bed. So, I’d pass on the balcony pool.