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10 world maps that will make you think
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World flight map
You’ve all probably seen those maps of flights around the world before (if you haven’t, there are some good examples here). But which of these routes are most popular in terms of numbers of passengers flying them? The results might surprise you.
World homicide map
Concerned about crime on your travels? You shouldn’t let crime deter you from visiting new places but at the same time it can be useful to know where the risks are greatest and what steps you can take to minimise your chances of being a victim of crime. The following map shows the distribution of intentional homicides around the world with the darker shades indicative of greater incidences per capita. For the original map with all the details, click here.
World expat map
Ever wanted to know the countries that would suit you most if you were to live abroad? The HSBC Expat Interactive Explorer allows you to enter the criteria that are important to you, and then returns a map showing you the countries that are the best match for you, based on feedback given by other expats.
Map of left- and right-handed drivers around the world
Were you aware of what proportion of the globe required you to drive on the left versus the right? On this world map left-handed drivers are coloured blue, whilst right-handed drivers are coloured red.
Facebook friendship map
Curious as to how much Facebook has infiltrated the world and where users friendships lie? Click here for the full map.
Google StreetView map
The following map shows the parts of the world that are so far covered by Google StreetView. Still some way to go before world domination!
World population map
A reminder of just how uneven the distribution of the world’s population is…
World pirate map
Travelling by sea and want to be aware of where the risks are greatest? This map shows attacks by pirates around the world during the first 6 months of 2012. The red balloons denote actual attacks and the yellow balloons indicate attempted attacks. In total, there were 177 incidents reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) during this period (compared to 266 incidents for the corresponding period in the previous year).
World rabies map
Travelling somewhere unfamiliar and want to be aware of the level of riskand whether it’d be advisable to have vaccinations? Obviously you must consult your doctor, but the World Health Organisation may also prove valuable. This particular map shows rabies around the world, with red indicating a high level of risk. Click here for the full WHO rabies map.
I’ve been fascinated by maps and globes for as long as I remember. Of course, they come in shapes and sizes, from your traditional maps to some that are a little more ‘off the wall’. Here are ten interesting maps that are a little bit different and that I hope might provoke some interesting discussion. Please use the comment facility at the end to give us your feedback.
Map of the most photographed locations in the world
David Crandall, now an Assistant Professor at the School of Informatics, Indiana University, amassed a staggering 35 million images from Flikr to produce a map of the most photographed locations in the world. 

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