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5 top tips to finding value in Venice

Venice might not be a place that immediately springs to mind as a value destination but, if you fancy an affordable luxury break in the City of Bridges, then read on. We spoke to our friends at Cosmos Holidays and came up with a few ideas that will help you save money without compromising you stay. Venice Time your visit Visit Venice in the Autumn or Winter and, not only will you avoid the crowds, but you’ll also enjoy lower prices. Just be careful to avoid the Carnevale festival which usually takes place in February and early March. Get an ACTV card Aside from walking everywhere, this is the most economical way of getting about Venice. With an ACTV card, you can hop on and off vaporettos (waterbuses) and explore the waterways at your leisure. If you use it a few times, it’ll soon pay for itself when compared with paying for multiple single journeys, and it’s hugely cheaper than the private water taxis. Buy some pizza There are a lot of overly-priced restaurants in Venice. For a change, why not buy a pizza and a bottle of wine, and eat and drink al fresco as you dangle your legs over the side of the Grand Canal at sunset? Try it… no expensive restaurant will come close to the experience! Visit free attractions There is so much to see and do Venice, and a lot of it can be done for free or at minimal cost: Saint Mark’s Square, the Rialto Bridge and Rialto Market, and Basilica Santa Maria della Salute to name just a few. Go for a drink We’ve already mentioned how dining out in Venice can be expensive and it would stand to reason that the same might be true of drinking. Perhaps surprisingly, this is much more affordable, and goes some way to explaining why you can find the locals drinking at all times of the day!

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.

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One Comment

  1. Strolling around the calli, under arches and over bridges, getting lost and finding your way again, emerging suddenly into a campo strewn with washing lines – exploring the real Venice on foot costs nothing and is an endless joy.

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