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The ultimate bucket list – part 1

No matter how long or short they may be, everyone has a list of things they want to see or do before they die. From skydiving to travelling around the world in a caravan, there are endless goals to achieve before kicking the bucket. To help get you started, we’re compiling the ultimate bucket list. Learn to surf in Hawaii Regarded as the birthplace of modern surfing, Hawaii boasts both stunning surroundings and a plethora of beaches where you can learn how to surf. Head down to Waikiki, where gentle waves lick the shore – ideal for those new to surfing. Or, if you’d prefer something a little more challenging, Kahaluu Beach Park (also known as Turtle Beach) boasts some killer waves. Surfing However, you don’t have to take part in surfing to enjoy this water sport. Spectators may enjoy travelling to Peahi beach, also known as ‘Jaws’, where surfers have to be towed towards the waves, as they are physically impossible to paddle towards. Travel coast to coast across the USA Follow in the footsteps of Jack Kerouac by travelling across the USA. There are various routes you can take when travelling coast to coast across America, such as from New York to San Francisco. Begin your journey in the Big Apple, where you can drink in the sights of the famous metropolis, before heading west towards Washington DC, Chicago, Colorado and San Francisco. New York There are many means of transport you can use for your journey across the US, from the railway to driving in a pink Cadillac – the choice is yours! Catch a boxing match in Las Vegas Las Vegas is known for doing everything bigger and better, and boxing is no exception. With the strip containing some of the world’s most famous hotels, such as the Bellagio, the biggest boxers flock there to take part in matches. MGM Grand The excitement doesn’t just end in the ring, though. The strip comes alive with after parties and celebrations, making it one hell of a destination to add to your bucket list. Embark upon a South African safari South Africa is an awe-inspiring country, filled with serene landscapes and exotic wildlife. For many, the idea of going on a South African safari is one that simply must make it onto their bucket list. There are various wildlife sanctuaries across South Africa, where you’ll be able to get up close and personal with the ‘Big Five’. A variety of rare and beautiful animals call South Africa home, from white lions to elephants. Rhino For added magnificence on your South African adventure, book into one of the luxury safari lodges located within or nearby the sanctuaries; you’ll be able to witness the splendour of the ‘Big Five’ from your own bedroom! Make it to Base Camp on Mount Everest For many, climbing Mount Everest is a test of personal strength and spiritual gain, and is therefore a must for any adventurer’s bucket list. Mount Everest In recent years, it has become possible for more and more people to visit the Everest Base Camp, thanks to modern climbing equipment. There are two base camps, one in China and the other in Nepal, which mountain climbers use as a point for ascent and descent. Although both physically and emotionally taxing, climbing Mount Everest is an unrivalled and once-in-a-lifetime experience. Matthew Coe is Online Marketing Manager for Wanderforth. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

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  1. Nice bucket list of traveling.

    African Safari, Everest Base Camp are also in my list. In addition, I want to visit Denali National Park.

  2. I can heartily recommend a safari, Shubhajit. We went on one in Tanzania and it was highly memorable; South Africa would offer you equally wonderful experiences, I’m sure.

  3. Skydiving is probably on everyone’s list. I’m glad I was able to mark it off my list last year. To climb Mount Everest is my next big dream! Great list!

  4. Some awesome ideas in this list! The best way to achieve your goals is to actually create a list and start checking them off! It’s also a really good way to look back at your life and see just how much you’ve packed into it.

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