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4 reasons to visit Gouverneur Beach, St Barths

There are fourteen beaches on St Barths, and when they are all glistening in white sand and clear blue waters, it is difficult to choose which one to frequent. Of course, you must make sure to try each at least once so that you have your own fond memories, but, if you have little time, my favourite is ‘Gouverneur Beach’. It is paradise. It’s magical and it’s exciting. St. Barth beach It is not the most accessible, but on arrival you will forget the drive and be rewarded with the feeling of complete privacy, thought by many, including I, to be the most exclusive beach, due to its seclusion. It has very few visitors – so once you have visited, only pass the secret on to those worthy! Unlike many, it is great for families, it has stories and for those with imagination, it can be the start of a great fairy-tale for the younger visitors, from an underwater world to digging for hidden treasure – let your journey begin here: 1. It is the ideal ‘baby beach’ The owner of the land has built a car park at the end of the road which provides direct access to the beach. The leafy sea grape tree by the entrance on the left provides shade for little ones whilst mummy and daddy relax in pure luxury. 2. Sea life Perfect for grown-ups and little ones, experience the wonder of the underworld, have a paddle, a snorkel or even dive into the crystal clear sea to discover something very magical indeed. 3. Pirate treasure The question is, who can find it first! Gouverneur has some great history and excitement to behold, the notorious buccaneer Monbars the Exterminator is rumoured to have buried all his stolen loot nearby . . . .a great way to keep the children entertained. I find the cave found just on the hillside above the beach is a great place to end the search – who knows if someone has placed some treasure to complete the afternoon’s adventure! 4. Famous beach parties Perhaps one best kept for when the children are in bed, New Year is definitely the best date in the calendar, Gouverneur is the local hemisphere of the hottest celebrations. Invitations are hard to come by so make sure you are in the know and have a concierge on side to make sure you are on the guest list! …even if you don’t find the hidden treasure, I am sure you will agree, this was one special outing and a gem all of its own. Holly McQueen is Sales Manager for Indigo Lodges. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

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  1. Hi Richard, if you are looking for a luxury villa close to Gouverneur Beach, Indigo Lodges may be able to help. I will be happy to send some suggestions or perhaps have a look through our website. It is a great family destination.

  2. Yes, could you please tell me which side of the beach, the caves are on? If I’m standing on the beach, facing the water, will I go left or right?

    Are they close by, or will there be much hiking?

    Thank you

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