You’ve probably already heard of the term ‘glamping’, used to refer to camping in relative luxury – a merging of the terms ‘glamorous’ and ‘camping’. But have you heard about glouchsurfing? Probably not. This is the new craze that’s been taking the luxury travel industry by storm – and with good reason.
Now, in case you didn’t already know… couchsurfing has been around for some time. It’s a community of like-minded travellers and hosts who open up their homes to one another, allowing them to sleep in the spare room, on the floor or, of course, on the couch, usually just for a few days at a time before they move on to the next place. With a free bed for the night assured, this allows people operating on modest budgets to travel for an extended period.
Typically, the accommodation is often basic at best, but that looks set to change with glamorous couchsurfing, or ‘glouchsurfing’ as it is better known. A new wave of uber-wealthy homeowners are opening up their grand mansions, luxury penthouse apartments, historic chateaux and fine palaces all over the world.
Staying in the homes of the rich and famous for free might sound like a dream come true. For many, though, it is set to become a reality. Billionaire heiress Avril Le Fou opened the doors of her palatial abode on the outskirts of Paris to me only last week so that I could see what glouchsurfing was all about and sample it for myself.
Or rather, her butler opened the door. I had been met at Paris CDG airport by Avril’s chauffeur and driven in a Phantom Rolls Royce through vineyards and beautiful French countryside before reaching the private wrought-iron gated entrance of Avril’s 12,000-acre estate. As we travelled up the driveway, I was presented with a beautiful property with a 17th Century French facade and greeted by the butler with a glass of the finest Champagne. My bags were taken to my room with a beautiful four poster bed built of late Medieval oak.
You might well ask why the wealthy are doing this and the reasons can be multi-faceted. One common reason is loneliness. Hosts might have grand homes but sometimes have nobody to share them with. Inviting travellers through the doors gives them company. Another reason is that the owners often have multiple abodes and like to keep the domestic staff busy when they are not home. There’s often a skilled team of kitchen staff, for instance, that would be left ‘twiddling their thumbs’ if they didn’t have dishes to prepare (and – oh yes – with glouchsurfing gourmet meals to rival even the finest Michelin-starred restaurants are invariably included). Keeping staff occupied ensures they remain ‘on the ball’ with their respective duties and continue to hone their skills for when the owner returns.
Luxury hotels all over the world will no doubt be worried about the potential impact that glouchsurfing is likely to have upon their businesses… what do you think the impact will be? Please tell us in the comments!
Also, if you want to know more about glouchsurfing and how you can travel in luxury at no cost, then please make sure you leave a comment below detailing why you think you should be eligible to have access to the all-new glouchsurfing database of the world’s finest homes that are opening their doors, and you too could be travelling the world in style… for free!
Images: Shutterstock
Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.
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This is rather interesting. I would expect there to be a vetting process of sorts, to make sure the person staying in the homes will be respectful of the owner’s home, items, and staff.
It would also be a nice treat for those of us who travel lower budget a lot to be able to spend some time in luxe, as well as meet some amazing people.
Instead of just a cross-cultural exchange, you get to have a cross-cultural & cross-economic exchange (and us western travelers are usually the ‘rich’ ones when we travel. Being the poor one may give us a different and more understanding outlook when we travel ourselves).
I actually think this is a great idea. I would very much be interested in glouchsurfing and would like to learn more.
This is what I have been looking for! I am a couchsurfer and world traveler, and the thing I love MOST about traveling is meeting interesting people and sharing stories and experiences with them. As a writer I absolutely love a good true to life story. I can only imagine the stories that people like Avril could share. I would love to get a glimpse into their world.
Please send more info on glouchsurfing!
This fits my niche of travel blogging to a tee! My niche is “value luxury” and that is exactly what it is. The short of it, luxury is a personal choice and that value means maximizing dollars for the greatest experience. Value luxury travel is not about the price tag of the accommodation; its about the value found in a luxury travel experience. So if Miss Glam will let me stay in her accommodations, I would do it in a heartbeat and be able to find “value” in the experience. Please pick me!
What a great idea. I am not really interested in Couch Surfing but this sound like more my style. This would be a great insight into how the wealthy live.
I really like this idea. As a female that has traveled alone to different parts of the world, only to give it up due to how lonely it feels occasionall, this would work well for me. What a great post – thank you.
What a fabulous concept to connect the world more. I think hotels won’t have much to worry about as the estates will be outside the city center.
I’d love to know more as my focus traveling solo is to use hotel/air miles to fly business class around the world in order to upgrade to luxury hotels and experiences such as a private guide or helicopter tour. It’s aspirational luxury to figure out what experiences most matter to you – it could be the luxury of the chocolate truffle or the glass of wine or the opportunity to meet an artist.
I am embarking on a sabbatical in Europe soon so this would be fabulous to give it a try. I’d love to be Cinderella for a day or two before coming home to my 900 sq ft. We are all made richer by our travels, experiences and views of the world – the size of our bank accounts shouldn’t matter – it’s the hospitality of the people that we remember (I won’t lie though I’d definitely remember an estate, an art collection and a ride in a Phantom!)
There is nothing better than enjoying a certain destination while you stay at an amazing hospitable environment. The best things in life is impossible for anyone to buy. And it’s called experience, I am traveling the world and I would certainly enjoy a such experience.
This sounds like something really fun and a way to get the real insight into some localities. High end B&B but with a different focus. My wife and I travel frequently from our ranch SE of Tucson and would be happy to reciprocate with a host in this program. Please put us on a list if possible.
I was actually wondering if a database like this exists. It would be great for my blog as I cultivate a “smart luxury” travel style, meaning traveling in style without overpaying for experiences. Would be great if you could give me access to the database Paul :)
This just made my inner rich woman happy! Oh the stories to tell ones’ friends. “And then the butler brought me my robe & slippers as I emerged from the tub in the largest of the 10 bathrooms.” I travel frequently on a budget and love to teach others how to do so. It’s only right that I experience it first!
I travel often to Europe on a shoestring budget as im nearing retirement. Am going to try a flat rental next trip so I can immerse into the culture and not feel like a tourist. I love this idea of glamourous digs since it’s more than likely I’ll never afford such a thing in my lifetime. How wonderful to experience the other side of life for a few moments!
Yes, please sign me up for access to the glouchsurfing site! I’ve been on the look out for my next adventure and this would be just the delicate nudge needed to leave my routine!
What an opportunity! Rarely is travel only about the sites you see, but rather the people you meet along the way and the experiences you get to have. (My favorite moment in Paris was a train ride with a Chinese citizen. An experience unexpected and yet a highlight of my trip.) As a female who often travels alone and seeks affordable and safe lodging this would be an interesting option! Please allow me access to the database; I am in the very least a modern day bard with plenty of tales to tell (daughter of a journalist) and one would never describe me as boring for those seeking an interesting houseguest. I am an executive in the classic car auction industry who drives a 73 Mustang, rides a motorcycle, dabbles as a vintner, runs half marathons, and loves to travel.
great idea I’m in! I would love to see a bedroom bigger than my house! Me and my wife like B n Bs but this sounds interesting.
my husband and I are retired and enjoy traveling. We like learning about different cultures and seeing things as a local. We enjoy meeting new and interesting people. Plus I like keeping up with my international friends. In some instances I have been fortunate to return the hospitality extended to us while we were living in Europe. I would feel privileged to be a part of this developing program.
I am a young business man based in Texas attempting to build a new financial business based on giving traditional Private Equity a run for its money. Have many friends and business associates across the world (some who might even be on the glouchsurfing property list already) and looking to make connections and build relationships with like minded and similarly placed individuals/families. Cheers~ :)
Hi! I really enjoyed this post. I think you made a really good point about the tendency of wealthy people to be lonely. They “have it all” when it comes to material possessions, but many of them don’t have anyone to share it with. On the other side of the coin, the average person tends to view the rich to be inaccessible, out of reach, and often out of touch with the rest of the world.
I would relish the opportunity to glouchsurf. This mode of travel has a ton of possibilities! To me, meeting and connecting with all kinds of people is what life is all about. Moreover, glouchsurfing fits my niche of solo-luxury and culinary travel. I would love to be considered for the list. Many thanks!
This would be a great cultural experience. We have always wondered how the lifestyle of the upper 1% is. To be included in this would be an incredible honor and would like to share our experience thru social media. Thank you for enlightening us.
Fantastic April Fool! If you didn’t click before you read about Avril – french for April – Le Fou – french for fool – you will now! Did you really think rich people would give up anything for free?! Nice idea in another kind of world…
Obviously the appeal here is to those that want to see what living lavishly really looks and feels like. Free has an immediate appeal, especially to those where this is outside of their usual realm of possibilities. While I’m amongst this group, having recently graduated, I truly believe that rich cannot be found on a millionaire’s couch. Rather I think this experience offers the opportunity of potentially being able to engage with someone who has stories, wisdoms, and different points of view to offer. Someone who is so willing to have an open dialog about worldly things that they’ve decided to open their house to a stranger. You already know you’ll be in good company before you even arrive, since who would be crazy enough to do such a thing? Someone with enough eccentricy that you can’t help but respect the hell out of them, that’s who. I want to travel on a broke NYC girl budget, of course, but moreso I want the lively conversations and adventures that would no doubt ensue. So, yes, I would love to be on this list.
I would love to hear more about this exiting way to see the world from a different perspective. Staying in hotels is nice, but if I could stay in someone’s home and keep their staff busy, that would be nice too.
As a traveller, I’ve always been a fan of Couchsurfing, and lately of AirBnb, because it allows a more authentic glimpse of how the locals live, eat and even think. I believe homes offer a very personal insight into their homeowner’s personalities (such as how they choose to decorate, what colour schemes they use, how it reflects the cultures they have been exposed to) and that’s why I’m always very grateful to people who choose to open up their homes to tourists.
Glouchsurfing is fascinating to me because it offers a rare insight into a demographic & lifestyle that many of us have only seen and heard on the news, TV or movies, but would never dream of gaining access to. So more than the opportunity to simply stay in a luxurious home, my interest in it is derived largely from curiosity, especially since it also seems to include opportunities to talk to the hosts and with the domestic staff.
Thanks for sharing, and I would definitely love to be a part of this movement (and even offer my humble abode for comparison should they visit Singapore!)
As a traveler and host involved with Servas since 1986 it is good to know that there is great diversity in the folks that want to share their lives with other folks. Every person is extraordinary and shared experiences can be quite magical to people of curiosity and a belief in a positive world. Sharing , gratitude, good conversation and love of life brings out the best in all of us! Be it rich or poor it opens doors to the world that are unique and meaningful.
Sounds a great idea, and I’d be very interested although today’s date does concern me a little!!!!
Well, would be great as i have lots of talents, skills and knowledge to offer in good companionship. But wait, it all sounds too good to be true. What’s today’s day actually?
Sounds like a great idea. I usually rent apartments when traveling, but having some access to a local resident could increase the cultural experience.
What a fantastic concept! It also popped straight into my mind, what Dani Blanchette said – that one imagines that there should be a vetting process in place?
This is a certainly a lovely experiental way to enjoy amazing accommodation that would previously would have been out of reach. The reasons are also interesting, especially the fact that some of these people are lonely. I guess we often don’t stop to think about this.
Errrrrr…guys…….check what today’s date is!!! Looks like you’ve been taken for a ride by Ms Avril Le Fou!! Don’t believe everything you read!!
What an amazing experience you had. We love meeting people from all walks of life so would love to try this on our travels too. For is it is always the people you meet that makes travel a positive thing 😄
Very interesting. I think this could be exactly what I’ve been looking for. I travel primarily on
I’ve been part of the couch surfing site for a few years but not utilized it much because often what’s available is truly a couch with little privacy. I love meeting new people and writing about my experiences but I need privacy too. I don’t travel full time because I can’t really afford to. This would create more options plus it’s a good fit for my blog, slow travel experiences. Thanks for the opportunity.
what a great idea and How lucky fo Avril Le Fou that her name day is also the same day this article is posted, please definately put me on this list.
By the way, did you also hear that Contiki Holidays is now available for people up to 65 yo, great news all round and all your dreams come true today.
Wow. I think this would be a once in a lifetime experience. Three of my friends and I will be travelling to Europe on a tight shoestring budget. We come from the Philippines and our peso suffers in exchange. Our beaches are gorgeous but we’d also like to experience the old world. Sign me up!
I do love a good April Fools article and this one is very nice.
I’ve been around the world; this idea seems interesting. Voracious reader, love to travel. Send more information on this; and if possible more insight into “glouchsurfing”
I have traveled to more than 100 countries, have lived aboard The World – a condo ship- for 5 years. Leaving full time travel was hard, but family came first. We have bought and sold over 25 companies, love to turn them around. My husband and I are interested in all cultures and we also enjoy good conversation and great wine. We would take as good care of others homes as we do ours. I am a foodie and would especially love to keep the staff occupied, as long as they let me into the kitchen to help!
Wow Paul, you’re always ahead of the game! :) This sounds really interesting.. even though I assume a ‘glouchsurfer’ should spend most of the time in the property rather than roaming the city streets or hiking in the countryside.
Anyway, I’d be interested in hearing about it. My blog is focused on travel tips and inspiration and I love to present my readers with new concepts.
I may still be in my 20s but I’m far too well-behaved for youth hostels, as I discovered last time I went adventuring. Oh please oh please sign me up. I desperately want to travel more, on my limited budget. I like the idea of tip-toeing through grand apartments far better than tip-toeing round soggy bathmats and discarded clothing… I’m also a ‘befriender’ in London with Contact the Elderly (CRB-ed / DBS-ed) i.e. pretty good at keeping people company! So many lonely folk out there with stories and friendship to share – I’m not surprised to see this becoming a trend!
Judging by many of the comments clearly April Fool’s day is a concept in need of exporting.
Well done Paul. Excellent work.
i have a bedroom available for a couple to come to the Hamilton area during the Pan Am games this summer. I envision parents of an athlete who would like to come watch their child compete but cannot afford accommodation, would anyone know of a site where I could post this? Thanking you in advance, Ken
I and my family love to travel to Europe, particularly Germany and Austria. On a previous occasion, we reconnected with my high school exchange student and his family. While I wouldn’t call them über rich, it was great to spend Christmas with a local family, enjoying the traditions of the place and hearing family stories. These experiences helped to enrich our experience of travel in Europe. It would be great to listen to acoomplished and distinguished people, and take part in the ‘lived’ experience a ‘glouchsurfing’ experience could afford. Please fill me in on how I could avail of this opportunity.
This sounds like a great opportunity, and it would be great to have access to this database.
I believe I am ‘eligible’, as I am a very respectful guest whenever and wherever I visit friends and family for several days, and at B&Bs as well. I am also an independent traveler, and can navigate and entertain myself very well. In terms of my personality, I am outgoing but also a very good listener, and love to hear more about just about anything anyone has to say. I’m a professional, and work in the school board of my city as a speech-language pathologist.
Thank you in advance for considering making this database available to me.
Have a great day!,
I think experiencing people’s lives through as many different lens as possible is incredibly valuable. Whether in means living with refugees or staying in a mansion, it’s important to open up your eyes to how people live, because you realize everyone is the same underneath it all. Lived experiences make interesting people, and I’m sure there would be a lot to learn from this experience.
Well, that’s great. A dream come true! Who wouldn’t be intreseted in?! I think I am no way better than others to have the chance experimenting, still worth giving a try. Why?! For the experience and knowing people, all kind of people. I would appreciate how can I challenge my luck in such a degree. Thank you! :)
I would be quite interested in this, but I am struggling to understand the business model that can sustain this. In any event, this strikes me as a wonderful opportunity to learn more about historical residences that are often hidden from the public, and the families that care for these heirlooms.
A great idea to share and to get to know another world, another perspective. Would definitely be interested!
I just come across with this article. I’m very surprised, it is possible. I’m a traveller, of course always with a low budget. I like couchsurfing, because of the people and their stories. I think i can’t really imagine how is the luxury version, but i definitely would like to try it once and hear the stories of these people. They are probably open-minded and nice.
Amazing:) Have a nice day guys!
Nice try by Mme. Le Fou, but just sending the Rolls isn’t quite up to my standards. If she won’t be bothered to send the private jet for me to my home in one of Flint, Michigan’s finer neighborhood, I’m staying put.
This is a most brilliant idea and certainly a beautiful way to travel. Such great insight into the “lifestyles of the rich and famous,” can be gleaned from such an astonishing way of traveling.
I have never been able to afford a luxury and – although traveled to over 50 countries of the World – it has always been rather on a budget. I have worked on a cruise ship as a photographer as well and experienced dealing with all kinds of people – from millionaires to middle class to crew memebers coming from all corners of the planet Earth. I have also been both – a host and a guest via couchsurfing. Having such a wide experience of dealing with different cultures it would be amazing to take it to the whole new level, exchange experiences and lifestyle with “glam” people.
Hi Paul
Hmm…to answer the question about the impact on the luxury hotel business, my opinion is that there might be a drop in business for the short term initially because people want to: 1) see how the super wealthy live their everyday life 2) To be able to have this luxurious space pretty much to yourself, your host and maybe a few others verses spending a couple of hundred dollars a night with a couple of hundred guests and staff in a bigger hotel and 3) it is FREE and people would want to go with this option first. I suspect that once the novelty has worn off; there would probably be some type of vetting from the host as to the types of traveler they like to host in their home.
Personally, I think its a grand idea, once in a while to be able to have access/stay for a couple of nights in house/apartment/chateau etc; that is architecturally beautiful inside and out, in an area of a town, city or country that is steeped in history and culture. To get the chance to be hosted by someone who is from a completely different social and economic background and to share good food, wine and hopefully stimulating and interesting conversation. Travelling is about experiencing moments, places and times that leave memories for a lifetime. As a single traveler, I love these kinds of opportunities. Would I like to be added to the database OF COURSE!
Greeting from Frankfurt
This is really fascinating. I’ve used couchsurfing already but now that I’m currently travelling across Europe, I’d love to hear more about this. Seems like an amazing experience!
Yes, I am getting Retaired , I had no opportunity in travelling around the world , it has been my dream to travel to every part of the world , and to know the people around the world . It is difficult to achieve my dream as I cannot afford to spend . So …
My wife and I are retiring soon and we have discussed traveling extensively. Of course, this can be expensive and restrictive on a modest budget. “Glouchsurfing” sounds like it offers a conservative way to travel worldwide limited income! I lived in France, for a couple years, when I was younger and was able to travel to various parts of Europe. I would appreciate the opportunity to do so with my wife and together, experience the history and culture other countries have to offer. I am requesting to be added to your list of interested participants and would appreciate more information and details. Thank you.
Hey, this sounds pretty cool. I’m pretty interested in hanging out with nice people (always and everywhere!). So on one hand I’m like “I don’t really care too much about the glamour and the money”, and on the other I’m like “yeah, but I’d still like to meet these cool people if they’ll have me, just to see how it really is”.
I have to admit though, I’m not a very experienced traveler, but I’m trying to change that, and I want to experience everything.
Glouchsurfing sounds like a pretty cool thing to be able to do.
This does sound quite amazing but like others have already saod surely there would be some kind of vetting process.
A brilliant idea that adds more dimension to travel. You discover a place best through it’s people and what better way to connect with a culture than through the complete immersion that comes with staying in someone’s home whether humble or luxurious? I love this idea. I doubt it will have an impact on the hotel industry – afterall, there are only so many luxury sites that will welcome guests in destinations around the world and many travelers prefer the lobby life, perks and privacy that are part of staying in hotels. If this becomes an option for travelers I will definitely be interested in experiencing “glouching.” Thank you for sharing this information – great!
Well this sounds awesome!!!
As a young single female architect that loves to travel, this could be the answer to having to shorten my trips due to ever rising hotel costs! (Those “single supplements” add up!!!) I was never able to travel internationally until I moved to NYC 9 yrs ago, and have been doing my best to take advantage… But have been unable to travel overseas since my visit to Portugal back in 2012!… “Couch surfing” has never really appealed to me, but this isn’t like crashing on you old college classmate’s livingroom: this is an experience in its own right and as an artist/architect it would add a complete other dimension to my travels!!… Wish I could do this for at least one of my future trips!
How do I get the insider info?!? :-)
This is a great opportunity for those of us who love the finer things in life but have had to tighten our belts this last few years. I’d appreciate more details and then would give further details about myself.
Conceptually, a really interesting idea for the right person/people to make new friendships and to experience “to the manor born” combined with travel. I would think there would be stimulating conversation(or not) and a pleasant stay.
I’d be interested.
I was born to travel, its the different experiences that make travel so special.i have stayed at all kinds of places- hostels, apartments, 5 star hotels, mountain cabins, tents, eco huts, etc. Living in a palatial luxurious house would add a totally new dimension to my travel experience hence i would totally be excited at the prospects
I mean besides the tough year I had, I mostly wanna travel, just thinking about it my stomach is full of light. I traveled to Finland and I knew I was born to live in airports and not home, my heart was broken and then there was war and now I suffer from PTSD. Maybe glouchsurfing would be a lot, but traveling in general would be my life, like breathing again. I feel like my life has paused since.
Hasn’t anybody noticed the date of today? Sounds great but this must be too good to be true. APRIL LE FOU pfaaa
This sounds like a great idea! I have been a couchsurfer for quite some time, and I have also hosted a few people. I must admit that I made some great friends this way. This is why I would like to give glouchsurfing a try.
It is not just about getting a free accommodation. Not at all. It is about meeting people. And, let’s admit it, each one of us wants to peek into rich and famous people’s lifestyle!
I’m actually a huge couchsurfimng fan! Its worked for me so many times and i think that the most important experience i have gotten from it is that I’ve met so many wonderful people along the way. I’m currently on a 3 month backpacking trip, right now I’m in Rome, staying at a fellow couchsurfer’s home, not only did I get to see the eternal city but I can honestly say its been extra special because I was able to make great friends and lots of great stories. Staying at a luxurious place is great yes, but I think that the people are always what makes things better.
I would love to know more about that, and this i why : i love traveling, not in order to say “i have been there”, but for experience and discovering.
And what could be a newiest experience and discover than a world i don’t know at all?!
Thanks, at least for talking about your own experience!
What an awesome idea. I would do the same thing as I would want to share what I had with others. It’s a great way to meet new people like couchsurfing. I would love to know more about this!
Happy April Fool’s day! I’m guessing since a Google search showed no articles prior to this one, you’ve all been pranked.
Glouchsurfing appeals to me because normally people don’t have access to the mega rich. I would spend hours on the luxe couch picking the brain of my host or hostess for entrepreneurial tips of the trade so I can learn more about how one day I might be in their position. This also negates the stereotype that rich people don’t care or are not concerned with the average person’s feelings, needs, or lives. Average income people also tend to put rich folks on a pedestal often thinking they are higher than the rest of us. It would be nice to have some amazing conversations and learn that it doesn’t matter if one is rich or poor, at the end of the day, we share the same humanity.
Almost got me! April’s 1st joke for a dreamers like me :)
Anyway, the idea is great, there are plenty of people who are rich and lonely, and many people who would savour their lives with fun company.
Hahahaha you fools!!!!!!!! “Id appreciate more details and then would give further details about myself” hahahahaha…. still haven’t checked it? Look at today’s date people! Or is that something that those who “appreciate the finer sides of life” don’t usually do? Hahaha I can’t stop laughing :D
Hell yesss!! Love it!! It’s like a dream becoming reality.. Just to test the grounds, spread the culture, intellect, experience, love, warmth and much more! If we could experience life like this, share, no matter what background we have, as long as there is respect and mutual understanding this will create a beautiful world! Or at least a step in the right direction.. How much of a princess I would feel to be picked up in such a beautiful car, brought to a lovely house and cooked a prestige meal.. If only for one night it would already be beautiful.. And then the oppurtunity to do it all over the world, for free, madness!! Beautiful, warm, loving, exciting, amazing madness :)
This sounds ao amazing and something i definately would love to be involved in or learn more about.
As a kean traveller with knowledge and experience from all over the word i think i can seriously promote this cool and chic experience.
i currently work in a 5* de savary property and appreciate good luxury accommodation and food but also love the budget holiday and finding quality at a good price..please share :)
gosh where do I start , I guess it is on my bucket list for things to do .i would like to get know the real person ,cosy up on sofa with tracy bottoms on and just chat normally ,promise I will not be fazed I’m long past that stage .i just love a good chat over a nice Rioja .haveci said to much because I can go on for ever ,,,so please give me a talker .💋
This is amazing. I am in my 30’s and have only just begun to travel – My first international adventure was going to Canada for Thanksgiving. I plan to travel all of next year. I have been researching the couch surfing community and think it’s an excellent and generous way for people to travel; you get to do so inexpensively and get to meet locals which is very valuable This concept takes it to the next level. How fortunate would a traveler be to get such an opportunity to not only conserve funds but to have the experience of staying in beautiful homes. This sounds like a dream come true. It would be fantastic for me to be chosen to have access to this new site. My travels would just be that much more beautiful.
wow. Just wow. This is amazing, I love the idea of seeing this rich people just like ‘normal’ people. Yes, they are normal people but society just segregate them (I don’t know if that’s right), so this is like an opportunity for them and for us, and I think travelers are just the perfect kind of people to open your house to, they are happy, free, open minded, and full of stories and experiences. I’d be honoured to meet or know this new wave of couchsurfing. I can share stories, nice photos, recommend nice places and have a nice conversation. I hope this glouchsurfing goes the right way, I really find this innovative and awesome.
Bárbara B. S.
Wow, this would be amazing! Is this actually happening though? Or is it an April Fool’s joke? Cause seriously, I’m going to be pretty sad. :(
Excelente idéia,
Para a maioria das pessoas abrir sua residencia deve ser um ato de coragem ao dividir sua intimidade, parabens aos idealizadores ! tornam possivel experiencias de comunhao de cidadania!
Great article! Travelling is one of my passions because I can meet pueople otherwise I’d never meet! I’ve done couchsurfing and it’s awesome to meet people who loves travelling and spend with them. As couchsurfing, glouchsurfing is a great opportunity to cross regards and opinions from different perspectives. And I love travelling because it lets you live extraordinary experiences that I’ll share later with my kids and they’ll want to travel and live that kind of experiences by their own, to meet people from around the world, to see the world from different perperspectives. Glouchsurfing… I’M MADE FOR YOU ! Hope I’ll live something like this :)
I would really love to learn more about this. I think its a super idea, it would open up a new type of world for me.
I have done a lot of traveling and still do and meeting new people is always wonderful.
I think meeting some of these more wealthier people would be fascinating in that, they have life experiences so unlike mine.
Just a fantastic idea! Priceless expirience, but I would like to know how these people choose and trust anyone to live in their houses,
Omg this sounds amazing. I’m looking to travel more this summer and getting a nice free places to crash I’d amazing.
I would be very much interested in glouchdurfing. I work in tourism and live travelling around the world. Staying at home of rich and famous would introduce me to the vast history and stories behind them. It would give me a lit better insight about destinations. It would be a dream to immerse myself in the artworks and history, and soak up the atmosphere.
I haven’t yet tried Couchsurfing as I’m a solo female traveler and tend to be leery of these types of housing options. I’m planning a move to Spain where I will be on a budget, so its probably time I check out this option. Would love to hear more about glouchsurfing. Thanks!
I’m a fool for travel so COUNT ME IN! Ugh, if only this was real…The reasoning is sound and I hope one day, someone wealthy will stumble upon this article, take it seriously, and go: WELL IF EVERYONE IS DOING IT, BY JOVE, I SHOULD BE DOING IT TOO!
YES PLEASE!! I’m traveling to Europe in two weeks time on my own with no accommodation booked…I just plan on winging it as I go. This would be a godsend! 😊
I would love this to travel the world and at the same time live in some splendid properties.All that history and the stories the people and houses could tell.
Now this sounds like my type of couch surfing ;-)
As a 22year old girl…with no regurlar income, thats the only way to experience something more luxurious and live one of your wildest dreams!!
YESSSSSS!!! I am a nomadic soul and absolutely love traveling. I have done couchsurfing in the past but as many fellow travelers know, the are days when all you want is a little luxury! I think this is a great idea and opportunity for people of different cultures, backgrounds, generations, economic status’ and lifestyles to interact and learn from each other. From the home owners to the property staff and all of the world travelers this could be inspiring for many and a whole other level of communication and magic! I love the chancevto experience travel from a whole different angle.
awesome – I have never heard of that term before but I’m ready to take my lifestyle up a notch or two, lol
This is special indeed. I would love to see how my ancestors lived as I descended from some of the most noble houses in Great Britain. Could never afford this lifestyle now. It would give such great insight into their lifestyle.
Thanks for sharing! This seems to be very interesting. I’ve been couchsurfing like a lot of others for quiet a while (and will continue that) and just love it. I met so many interesting people and I always learn and develop when I meet new people even if its just a tiny little bit. Glouchsurfing would be a whole new style and a new experience which I would love to make. So it would be great for me to find out more about it.
Sounds dreamy. My number 1 concern when travelling is safety and this option would alleviate a lot of those fears. On the flip side, I’m pretty modest and there’s a lot to be said for simplicity! I would love to do this a few times, but couldn’t imagine doing this all the time – my head might swell! ;)
This is such an exciting and interesting idea! I’m a traveller who mainly is using hostels, couch surfing & sometimes air BnB.. I just love staying with a local as it totally alters your experience & gives a great insight into not only the area from a locals perspective but a glimpse into a life that you usually would not get from fleeting moments in a new area. To be able to experience this type of luxury & perhaps to know the owner off the house or even the staff would be brilliant!
Please give me the info!!
I love traveling! I´ve only couchsurfed one time before (Thouhg I´ve been close to do it more times) because so far I´ve been lucky to not need it but everytime I can afford to travel is on a very very low budget. One of the most appealing things about staying with other people and traveling for that matter is to know different kinds of people, their stories, their culture, everything! so I couln´t imagine what these people have to offer let alone the luxury of their homes which I imagine a lot of them come with a great history. Also it would be grate to experience a place on the other side of the economic world at least for once.
This looks so exciting!
I love to travel, and during travels I particularly enjoy architecture, history and seeing how people live. It is so interesting to me seeing how the poeple of a given country lives (at least from what one can see from the exterior of their apartments or houses). I like to believe this is a good way to get some insights into peoples’ culture. Lower budget apartment buildings with tiny apartments, but with perfectly kept brick walls and beautiful gardens talks about a culture where people take pride in and appreciate what they’ve got no matter how “generic” it might be to some. Houses or buildings where people grow herbs on the porch next to their bike might give the impression of environmentally friendly people living there. Huge, distinguished houses with lights in only one window might indicate wealthy, but lonely inhabitants in the given area.
In the case of “glouchsurfing”, I could now also see how people live from the inside! And maybe learn more about their history and their way of living. It would be so exciting to get some info on how to become a glochsurfer.
Best regards, Siv
Living in Vancouver has cut into my ability to fund my passion. What an amazing opportunity; one that motivates me to get back to my ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’ attitude.
Thanks for the post.
This is indeed very interesting, not only for travelers but also for the hosts. As you beautifully stated they often get lonely or travel a lot themselves leaving their property. As a couchsurfer it would be an educational experience getting to know the complete other side of it.
As a photographer artist it would lead to magical reasults of self-growth & inspiration.
Fascinating, simply fascinating and generous, I am so amazed by this idea that I would definitely want to take a chance. Do my research and make it an experience to last!
With love and care
That Sounds awesome! I m very interested how to become part of the community,
I love to travel and i m using since a year couchsurfing. I met really nice and open minded people. If there is a new network to get places to stay while traveling i would be glad to get some news and details. thanks sabina
2 reasons:
1. I simply want to feel how it’s like to be rich
2. To hang out with the rich owners and see if they’re normal just like us. What makes them happy? What makes them sad? What excites them? Do they wish they were just normal?
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This is rather interesting. I would expect there to be a vetting process of sorts, to make sure the person staying in the homes will be respectful of the owner’s home, items, and staff.
It would also be a nice treat for those of us who travel lower budget a lot to be able to spend some time in luxe, as well as meet some amazing people.
Instead of just a cross-cultural exchange, you get to have a cross-cultural & cross-economic exchange (and us western travelers are usually the ‘rich’ ones when we travel. Being the poor one may give us a different and more understanding outlook when we travel ourselves).
I actually think this is a great idea. I would very much be interested in glouchsurfing and would like to learn more.
This is what I have been looking for! I am a couchsurfer and world traveler, and the thing I love MOST about traveling is meeting interesting people and sharing stories and experiences with them. As a writer I absolutely love a good true to life story. I can only imagine the stories that people like Avril could share. I would love to get a glimpse into their world.
Please send more info on glouchsurfing!
This fits my niche of travel blogging to a tee! My niche is “value luxury” and that is exactly what it is. The short of it, luxury is a personal choice and that value means maximizing dollars for the greatest experience. Value luxury travel is not about the price tag of the accommodation; its about the value found in a luxury travel experience. So if Miss Glam will let me stay in her accommodations, I would do it in a heartbeat and be able to find “value” in the experience. Please pick me!
What a great idea. I am not really interested in Couch Surfing but this sound like more my style. This would be a great insight into how the wealthy live.
I really like this idea. As a female that has traveled alone to different parts of the world, only to give it up due to how lonely it feels occasionall, this would work well for me. What a great post – thank you.
What a fabulous concept to connect the world more. I think hotels won’t have much to worry about as the estates will be outside the city center.
I’d love to know more as my focus traveling solo is to use hotel/air miles to fly business class around the world in order to upgrade to luxury hotels and experiences such as a private guide or helicopter tour. It’s aspirational luxury to figure out what experiences most matter to you – it could be the luxury of the chocolate truffle or the glass of wine or the opportunity to meet an artist.
I am embarking on a sabbatical in Europe soon so this would be fabulous to give it a try. I’d love to be Cinderella for a day or two before coming home to my 900 sq ft. We are all made richer by our travels, experiences and views of the world – the size of our bank accounts shouldn’t matter – it’s the hospitality of the people that we remember (I won’t lie though I’d definitely remember an estate, an art collection and a ride in a Phantom!)
There is nothing better than enjoying a certain destination while you stay at an amazing hospitable environment. The best things in life is impossible for anyone to buy. And it’s called experience, I am traveling the world and I would certainly enjoy a such experience.
This sounds like something really fun and a way to get the real insight into some localities. High end B&B but with a different focus. My wife and I travel frequently from our ranch SE of Tucson and would be happy to reciprocate with a host in this program. Please put us on a list if possible.
I was actually wondering if a database like this exists. It would be great for my blog as I cultivate a “smart luxury” travel style, meaning traveling in style without overpaying for experiences. Would be great if you could give me access to the database Paul :)
This just made my inner rich woman happy! Oh the stories to tell ones’ friends. “And then the butler brought me my robe & slippers as I emerged from the tub in the largest of the 10 bathrooms.” I travel frequently on a budget and love to teach others how to do so. It’s only right that I experience it first!
I travel often to Europe on a shoestring budget as im nearing retirement. Am going to try a flat rental next trip so I can immerse into the culture and not feel like a tourist. I love this idea of glamourous digs since it’s more than likely I’ll never afford such a thing in my lifetime. How wonderful to experience the other side of life for a few moments!
Yes, please sign me up for access to the glouchsurfing site! I’ve been on the look out for my next adventure and this would be just the delicate nudge needed to leave my routine!
What an opportunity! Rarely is travel only about the sites you see, but rather the people you meet along the way and the experiences you get to have. (My favorite moment in Paris was a train ride with a Chinese citizen. An experience unexpected and yet a highlight of my trip.) As a female who often travels alone and seeks affordable and safe lodging this would be an interesting option! Please allow me access to the database; I am in the very least a modern day bard with plenty of tales to tell (daughter of a journalist) and one would never describe me as boring for those seeking an interesting houseguest. I am an executive in the classic car auction industry who drives a 73 Mustang, rides a motorcycle, dabbles as a vintner, runs half marathons, and loves to travel.
great idea I’m in! I would love to see a bedroom bigger than my house! Me and my wife like B n Bs but this sounds interesting.
my husband and I are retired and enjoy traveling. We like learning about different cultures and seeing things as a local. We enjoy meeting new and interesting people. Plus I like keeping up with my international friends. In some instances I have been fortunate to return the hospitality extended to us while we were living in Europe. I would feel privileged to be a part of this developing program.
I am a young business man based in Texas attempting to build a new financial business based on giving traditional Private Equity a run for its money. Have many friends and business associates across the world (some who might even be on the glouchsurfing property list already) and looking to make connections and build relationships with like minded and similarly placed individuals/families. Cheers~ :)
Hi! I really enjoyed this post. I think you made a really good point about the tendency of wealthy people to be lonely. They “have it all” when it comes to material possessions, but many of them don’t have anyone to share it with. On the other side of the coin, the average person tends to view the rich to be inaccessible, out of reach, and often out of touch with the rest of the world.
I would relish the opportunity to glouchsurf. This mode of travel has a ton of possibilities! To me, meeting and connecting with all kinds of people is what life is all about. Moreover, glouchsurfing fits my niche of solo-luxury and culinary travel. I would love to be considered for the list. Many thanks!
This would be a great cultural experience. We have always wondered how the lifestyle of the upper 1% is. To be included in this would be an incredible honor and would like to share our experience thru social media. Thank you for enlightening us.
Fantastic April Fool! If you didn’t click before you read about Avril – french for April – Le Fou – french for fool – you will now! Did you really think rich people would give up anything for free?! Nice idea in another kind of world…
Obviously the appeal here is to those that want to see what living lavishly really looks and feels like. Free has an immediate appeal, especially to those where this is outside of their usual realm of possibilities. While I’m amongst this group, having recently graduated, I truly believe that rich cannot be found on a millionaire’s couch. Rather I think this experience offers the opportunity of potentially being able to engage with someone who has stories, wisdoms, and different points of view to offer. Someone who is so willing to have an open dialog about worldly things that they’ve decided to open their house to a stranger. You already know you’ll be in good company before you even arrive, since who would be crazy enough to do such a thing? Someone with enough eccentricy that you can’t help but respect the hell out of them, that’s who. I want to travel on a broke NYC girl budget, of course, but moreso I want the lively conversations and adventures that would no doubt ensue. So, yes, I would love to be on this list.
I would love to hear more about this exiting way to see the world from a different perspective. Staying in hotels is nice, but if I could stay in someone’s home and keep their staff busy, that would be nice too.
As a traveller, I’ve always been a fan of Couchsurfing, and lately of AirBnb, because it allows a more authentic glimpse of how the locals live, eat and even think. I believe homes offer a very personal insight into their homeowner’s personalities (such as how they choose to decorate, what colour schemes they use, how it reflects the cultures they have been exposed to) and that’s why I’m always very grateful to people who choose to open up their homes to tourists.
Glouchsurfing is fascinating to me because it offers a rare insight into a demographic & lifestyle that many of us have only seen and heard on the news, TV or movies, but would never dream of gaining access to. So more than the opportunity to simply stay in a luxurious home, my interest in it is derived largely from curiosity, especially since it also seems to include opportunities to talk to the hosts and with the domestic staff.
Thanks for sharing, and I would definitely love to be a part of this movement (and even offer my humble abode for comparison should they visit Singapore!)
As a traveler and host involved with Servas since 1986 it is good to know that there is great diversity in the folks that want to share their lives with other folks. Every person is extraordinary and shared experiences can be quite magical to people of curiosity and a belief in a positive world. Sharing , gratitude, good conversation and love of life brings out the best in all of us! Be it rich or poor it opens doors to the world that are unique and meaningful.
Sounds a great idea, and I’d be very interested although today’s date does concern me a little!!!!
Well, would be great as i have lots of talents, skills and knowledge to offer in good companionship. But wait, it all sounds too good to be true. What’s today’s day actually?
Sounds like a great idea. I usually rent apartments when traveling, but having some access to a local resident could increase the cultural experience.
What a fantastic concept! It also popped straight into my mind, what Dani Blanchette said – that one imagines that there should be a vetting process in place?
This is a certainly a lovely experiental way to enjoy amazing accommodation that would previously would have been out of reach. The reasons are also interesting, especially the fact that some of these people are lonely. I guess we often don’t stop to think about this.
Errrrrr…guys…….check what today’s date is!!! Looks like you’ve been taken for a ride by Ms Avril Le Fou!! Don’t believe everything you read!!
What an amazing experience you had. We love meeting people from all walks of life so would love to try this on our travels too. For is it is always the people you meet that makes travel a positive thing 😄
Very interesting. I think this could be exactly what I’ve been looking for. I travel primarily on
I’ve been part of the couch surfing site for a few years but not utilized it much because often what’s available is truly a couch with little privacy. I love meeting new people and writing about my experiences but I need privacy too. I don’t travel full time because I can’t really afford to. This would create more options plus it’s a good fit for my blog, slow travel experiences. Thanks for the opportunity.
what a great idea and How lucky fo Avril Le Fou that her name day is also the same day this article is posted, please definately put me on this list.
By the way, did you also hear that Contiki Holidays is now available for people up to 65 yo, great news all round and all your dreams come true today.
Wow. I think this would be a once in a lifetime experience. Three of my friends and I will be travelling to Europe on a tight shoestring budget. We come from the Philippines and our peso suffers in exchange. Our beaches are gorgeous but we’d also like to experience the old world. Sign me up!
I do love a good April Fools article and this one is very nice.
I’ve been around the world; this idea seems interesting. Voracious reader, love to travel. Send more information on this; and if possible more insight into “glouchsurfing”
I have traveled to more than 100 countries, have lived aboard The World – a condo ship- for 5 years. Leaving full time travel was hard, but family came first. We have bought and sold over 25 companies, love to turn them around. My husband and I are interested in all cultures and we also enjoy good conversation and great wine. We would take as good care of others homes as we do ours. I am a foodie and would especially love to keep the staff occupied, as long as they let me into the kitchen to help!
Wow Paul, you’re always ahead of the game! :) This sounds really interesting.. even though I assume a ‘glouchsurfer’ should spend most of the time in the property rather than roaming the city streets or hiking in the countryside.
Anyway, I’d be interested in hearing about it. My blog is focused on travel tips and inspiration and I love to present my readers with new concepts.
I may still be in my 20s but I’m far too well-behaved for youth hostels, as I discovered last time I went adventuring. Oh please oh please sign me up. I desperately want to travel more, on my limited budget. I like the idea of tip-toeing through grand apartments far better than tip-toeing round soggy bathmats and discarded clothing… I’m also a ‘befriender’ in London with Contact the Elderly (CRB-ed / DBS-ed) i.e. pretty good at keeping people company! So many lonely folk out there with stories and friendship to share – I’m not surprised to see this becoming a trend!
Judging by many of the comments clearly April Fool’s day is a concept in need of exporting.
Well done Paul. Excellent work.
i have a bedroom available for a couple to come to the Hamilton area during the Pan Am games this summer. I envision parents of an athlete who would like to come watch their child compete but cannot afford accommodation, would anyone know of a site where I could post this? Thanking you in advance, Ken
I and my family love to travel to Europe, particularly Germany and Austria. On a previous occasion, we reconnected with my high school exchange student and his family. While I wouldn’t call them über rich, it was great to spend Christmas with a local family, enjoying the traditions of the place and hearing family stories. These experiences helped to enrich our experience of travel in Europe. It would be great to listen to acoomplished and distinguished people, and take part in the ‘lived’ experience a ‘glouchsurfing’ experience could afford. Please fill me in on how I could avail of this opportunity.
This sounds like a great opportunity, and it would be great to have access to this database.
I believe I am ‘eligible’, as I am a very respectful guest whenever and wherever I visit friends and family for several days, and at B&Bs as well. I am also an independent traveler, and can navigate and entertain myself very well. In terms of my personality, I am outgoing but also a very good listener, and love to hear more about just about anything anyone has to say. I’m a professional, and work in the school board of my city as a speech-language pathologist.
Thank you in advance for considering making this database available to me.
Have a great day!,
I think experiencing people’s lives through as many different lens as possible is incredibly valuable. Whether in means living with refugees or staying in a mansion, it’s important to open up your eyes to how people live, because you realize everyone is the same underneath it all. Lived experiences make interesting people, and I’m sure there would be a lot to learn from this experience.
Well, that’s great. A dream come true! Who wouldn’t be intreseted in?! I think I am no way better than others to have the chance experimenting, still worth giving a try. Why?! For the experience and knowing people, all kind of people. I would appreciate how can I challenge my luck in such a degree. Thank you! :)
I would be quite interested in this, but I am struggling to understand the business model that can sustain this. In any event, this strikes me as a wonderful opportunity to learn more about historical residences that are often hidden from the public, and the families that care for these heirlooms.
A great idea to share and to get to know another world, another perspective. Would definitely be interested!
I just come across with this article. I’m very surprised, it is possible. I’m a traveller, of course always with a low budget. I like couchsurfing, because of the people and their stories. I think i can’t really imagine how is the luxury version, but i definitely would like to try it once and hear the stories of these people. They are probably open-minded and nice.
Amazing:) Have a nice day guys!
Nice try by Mme. Le Fou, but just sending the Rolls isn’t quite up to my standards. If she won’t be bothered to send the private jet for me to my home in one of Flint, Michigan’s finer neighborhood, I’m staying put.
This is a most brilliant idea and certainly a beautiful way to travel. Such great insight into the “lifestyles of the rich and famous,” can be gleaned from such an astonishing way of traveling.
I have never been able to afford a luxury and – although traveled to over 50 countries of the World – it has always been rather on a budget. I have worked on a cruise ship as a photographer as well and experienced dealing with all kinds of people – from millionaires to middle class to crew memebers coming from all corners of the planet Earth. I have also been both – a host and a guest via couchsurfing. Having such a wide experience of dealing with different cultures it would be amazing to take it to the whole new level, exchange experiences and lifestyle with “glam” people.
Hi Paul
Hmm…to answer the question about the impact on the luxury hotel business, my opinion is that there might be a drop in business for the short term initially because people want to: 1) see how the super wealthy live their everyday life 2) To be able to have this luxurious space pretty much to yourself, your host and maybe a few others verses spending a couple of hundred dollars a night with a couple of hundred guests and staff in a bigger hotel and 3) it is FREE and people would want to go with this option first. I suspect that once the novelty has worn off; there would probably be some type of vetting from the host as to the types of traveler they like to host in their home.
Personally, I think its a grand idea, once in a while to be able to have access/stay for a couple of nights in house/apartment/chateau etc; that is architecturally beautiful inside and out, in an area of a town, city or country that is steeped in history and culture. To get the chance to be hosted by someone who is from a completely different social and economic background and to share good food, wine and hopefully stimulating and interesting conversation. Travelling is about experiencing moments, places and times that leave memories for a lifetime. As a single traveler, I love these kinds of opportunities. Would I like to be added to the database OF COURSE!
Greeting from Frankfurt
This is really fascinating. I’ve used couchsurfing already but now that I’m currently travelling across Europe, I’d love to hear more about this. Seems like an amazing experience!
Yes, I am getting Retaired , I had no opportunity in travelling around the world , it has been my dream to travel to every part of the world , and to know the people around the world . It is difficult to achieve my dream as I cannot afford to spend . So …
My wife and I are retiring soon and we have discussed traveling extensively. Of course, this can be expensive and restrictive on a modest budget. “Glouchsurfing” sounds like it offers a conservative way to travel worldwide limited income! I lived in France, for a couple years, when I was younger and was able to travel to various parts of Europe. I would appreciate the opportunity to do so with my wife and together, experience the history and culture other countries have to offer. I am requesting to be added to your list of interested participants and would appreciate more information and details. Thank you.
Hey, this sounds pretty cool. I’m pretty interested in hanging out with nice people (always and everywhere!). So on one hand I’m like “I don’t really care too much about the glamour and the money”, and on the other I’m like “yeah, but I’d still like to meet these cool people if they’ll have me, just to see how it really is”.
I have to admit though, I’m not a very experienced traveler, but I’m trying to change that, and I want to experience everything.
Glouchsurfing sounds like a pretty cool thing to be able to do.
This does sound quite amazing but like others have already saod surely there would be some kind of vetting process.
A brilliant idea that adds more dimension to travel. You discover a place best through it’s people and what better way to connect with a culture than through the complete immersion that comes with staying in someone’s home whether humble or luxurious? I love this idea. I doubt it will have an impact on the hotel industry – afterall, there are only so many luxury sites that will welcome guests in destinations around the world and many travelers prefer the lobby life, perks and privacy that are part of staying in hotels. If this becomes an option for travelers I will definitely be interested in experiencing “glouching.” Thank you for sharing this information – great!
Well this sounds awesome!!!
As a young single female architect that loves to travel, this could be the answer to having to shorten my trips due to ever rising hotel costs! (Those “single supplements” add up!!!) I was never able to travel internationally until I moved to NYC 9 yrs ago, and have been doing my best to take advantage… But have been unable to travel overseas since my visit to Portugal back in 2012!… “Couch surfing” has never really appealed to me, but this isn’t like crashing on you old college classmate’s livingroom: this is an experience in its own right and as an artist/architect it would add a complete other dimension to my travels!!… Wish I could do this for at least one of my future trips!
How do I get the insider info?!? :-)
This is a great opportunity for those of us who love the finer things in life but have had to tighten our belts this last few years. I’d appreciate more details and then would give further details about myself.
Conceptually, a really interesting idea for the right person/people to make new friendships and to experience “to the manor born” combined with travel. I would think there would be stimulating conversation(or not) and a pleasant stay.
I’d be interested.
I was born to travel, its the different experiences that make travel so special.i have stayed at all kinds of places- hostels, apartments, 5 star hotels, mountain cabins, tents, eco huts, etc. Living in a palatial luxurious house would add a totally new dimension to my travel experience hence i would totally be excited at the prospects
I mean besides the tough year I had, I mostly wanna travel, just thinking about it my stomach is full of light. I traveled to Finland and I knew I was born to live in airports and not home, my heart was broken and then there was war and now I suffer from PTSD. Maybe glouchsurfing would be a lot, but traveling in general would be my life, like breathing again. I feel like my life has paused since.
Hasn’t anybody noticed the date of today? Sounds great but this must be too good to be true. APRIL LE FOU pfaaa
This sounds like a great idea! I have been a couchsurfer for quite some time, and I have also hosted a few people. I must admit that I made some great friends this way. This is why I would like to give glouchsurfing a try.
It is not just about getting a free accommodation. Not at all. It is about meeting people. And, let’s admit it, each one of us wants to peek into rich and famous people’s lifestyle!
I’m actually a huge couchsurfimng fan! Its worked for me so many times and i think that the most important experience i have gotten from it is that I’ve met so many wonderful people along the way. I’m currently on a 3 month backpacking trip, right now I’m in Rome, staying at a fellow couchsurfer’s home, not only did I get to see the eternal city but I can honestly say its been extra special because I was able to make great friends and lots of great stories. Staying at a luxurious place is great yes, but I think that the people are always what makes things better.
I would love to know more about that, and this i why : i love traveling, not in order to say “i have been there”, but for experience and discovering.
And what could be a newiest experience and discover than a world i don’t know at all?!
Thanks, at least for talking about your own experience!
What an awesome idea. I would do the same thing as I would want to share what I had with others. It’s a great way to meet new people like couchsurfing. I would love to know more about this!
Happy April Fool’s day! I’m guessing since a Google search showed no articles prior to this one, you’ve all been pranked.
Glouchsurfing appeals to me because normally people don’t have access to the mega rich. I would spend hours on the luxe couch picking the brain of my host or hostess for entrepreneurial tips of the trade so I can learn more about how one day I might be in their position. This also negates the stereotype that rich people don’t care or are not concerned with the average person’s feelings, needs, or lives. Average income people also tend to put rich folks on a pedestal often thinking they are higher than the rest of us. It would be nice to have some amazing conversations and learn that it doesn’t matter if one is rich or poor, at the end of the day, we share the same humanity.
Almost got me! April’s 1st joke for a dreamers like me :)
Anyway, the idea is great, there are plenty of people who are rich and lonely, and many people who would savour their lives with fun company.
Hahahaha you fools!!!!!!!! “Id appreciate more details and then would give further details about myself” hahahahaha…. still haven’t checked it? Look at today’s date people! Or is that something that those who “appreciate the finer sides of life” don’t usually do? Hahaha I can’t stop laughing :D
Hell yesss!! Love it!! It’s like a dream becoming reality.. Just to test the grounds, spread the culture, intellect, experience, love, warmth and much more! If we could experience life like this, share, no matter what background we have, as long as there is respect and mutual understanding this will create a beautiful world! Or at least a step in the right direction.. How much of a princess I would feel to be picked up in such a beautiful car, brought to a lovely house and cooked a prestige meal.. If only for one night it would already be beautiful.. And then the oppurtunity to do it all over the world, for free, madness!! Beautiful, warm, loving, exciting, amazing madness :)
This sounds ao amazing and something i definately would love to be involved in or learn more about.
As a kean traveller with knowledge and experience from all over the word i think i can seriously promote this cool and chic experience.
i currently work in a 5* de savary property and appreciate good luxury accommodation and food but also love the budget holiday and finding quality at a good price..please share :)
gosh where do I start , I guess it is on my bucket list for things to do .i would like to get know the real person ,cosy up on sofa with tracy bottoms on and just chat normally ,promise I will not be fazed I’m long past that stage .i just love a good chat over a nice Rioja .haveci said to much because I can go on for ever ,,,so please give me a talker .💋
This is amazing. I am in my 30’s and have only just begun to travel – My first international adventure was going to Canada for Thanksgiving. I plan to travel all of next year. I have been researching the couch surfing community and think it’s an excellent and generous way for people to travel; you get to do so inexpensively and get to meet locals which is very valuable This concept takes it to the next level. How fortunate would a traveler be to get such an opportunity to not only conserve funds but to have the experience of staying in beautiful homes. This sounds like a dream come true. It would be fantastic for me to be chosen to have access to this new site. My travels would just be that much more beautiful.
wow. Just wow. This is amazing, I love the idea of seeing this rich people just like ‘normal’ people. Yes, they are normal people but society just segregate them (I don’t know if that’s right), so this is like an opportunity for them and for us, and I think travelers are just the perfect kind of people to open your house to, they are happy, free, open minded, and full of stories and experiences. I’d be honoured to meet or know this new wave of couchsurfing. I can share stories, nice photos, recommend nice places and have a nice conversation. I hope this glouchsurfing goes the right way, I really find this innovative and awesome.
Bárbara B. S.
Wow, this would be amazing! Is this actually happening though? Or is it an April Fool’s joke? Cause seriously, I’m going to be pretty sad. :(
Excelente idéia,
Para a maioria das pessoas abrir sua residencia deve ser um ato de coragem ao dividir sua intimidade, parabens aos idealizadores ! tornam possivel experiencias de comunhao de cidadania!
Great article! Travelling is one of my passions because I can meet pueople otherwise I’d never meet! I’ve done couchsurfing and it’s awesome to meet people who loves travelling and spend with them. As couchsurfing, glouchsurfing is a great opportunity to cross regards and opinions from different perspectives. And I love travelling because it lets you live extraordinary experiences that I’ll share later with my kids and they’ll want to travel and live that kind of experiences by their own, to meet people from around the world, to see the world from different perperspectives. Glouchsurfing… I’M MADE FOR YOU ! Hope I’ll live something like this :)
I would really love to learn more about this. I think its a super idea, it would open up a new type of world for me.
I have done a lot of traveling and still do and meeting new people is always wonderful.
I think meeting some of these more wealthier people would be fascinating in that, they have life experiences so unlike mine.
Just a fantastic idea! Priceless expirience, but I would like to know how these people choose and trust anyone to live in their houses,
Omg this sounds amazing. I’m looking to travel more this summer and getting a nice free places to crash I’d amazing.
I would be very much interested in glouchdurfing. I work in tourism and live travelling around the world. Staying at home of rich and famous would introduce me to the vast history and stories behind them. It would give me a lit better insight about destinations. It would be a dream to immerse myself in the artworks and history, and soak up the atmosphere.
I haven’t yet tried Couchsurfing as I’m a solo female traveler and tend to be leery of these types of housing options. I’m planning a move to Spain where I will be on a budget, so its probably time I check out this option. Would love to hear more about glouchsurfing. Thanks!
I’m a fool for travel so COUNT ME IN! Ugh, if only this was real…The reasoning is sound and I hope one day, someone wealthy will stumble upon this article, take it seriously, and go: WELL IF EVERYONE IS DOING IT, BY JOVE, I SHOULD BE DOING IT TOO!
YES PLEASE!! I’m traveling to Europe in two weeks time on my own with no accommodation booked…I just plan on winging it as I go. This would be a godsend! 😊
I would love this to travel the world and at the same time live in some splendid properties.All that history and the stories the people and houses could tell.
Now this sounds like my type of couch surfing ;-)
As a 22year old girl…with no regurlar income, thats the only way to experience something more luxurious and live one of your wildest dreams!!
YESSSSSS!!! I am a nomadic soul and absolutely love traveling. I have done couchsurfing in the past but as many fellow travelers know, the are days when all you want is a little luxury! I think this is a great idea and opportunity for people of different cultures, backgrounds, generations, economic status’ and lifestyles to interact and learn from each other. From the home owners to the property staff and all of the world travelers this could be inspiring for many and a whole other level of communication and magic! I love the chancevto experience travel from a whole different angle.
awesome – I have never heard of that term before but I’m ready to take my lifestyle up a notch or two, lol
This is special indeed. I would love to see how my ancestors lived as I descended from some of the most noble houses in Great Britain. Could never afford this lifestyle now. It would give such great insight into their lifestyle.
Thanks for sharing! This seems to be very interesting. I’ve been couchsurfing like a lot of others for quiet a while (and will continue that) and just love it. I met so many interesting people and I always learn and develop when I meet new people even if its just a tiny little bit. Glouchsurfing would be a whole new style and a new experience which I would love to make. So it would be great for me to find out more about it.
Sounds dreamy. My number 1 concern when travelling is safety and this option would alleviate a lot of those fears. On the flip side, I’m pretty modest and there’s a lot to be said for simplicity! I would love to do this a few times, but couldn’t imagine doing this all the time – my head might swell! ;)
This is such an exciting and interesting idea! I’m a traveller who mainly is using hostels, couch surfing & sometimes air BnB.. I just love staying with a local as it totally alters your experience & gives a great insight into not only the area from a locals perspective but a glimpse into a life that you usually would not get from fleeting moments in a new area. To be able to experience this type of luxury & perhaps to know the owner off the house or even the staff would be brilliant!
Please give me the info!!
I love traveling! I´ve only couchsurfed one time before (Thouhg I´ve been close to do it more times) because so far I´ve been lucky to not need it but everytime I can afford to travel is on a very very low budget. One of the most appealing things about staying with other people and traveling for that matter is to know different kinds of people, their stories, their culture, everything! so I couln´t imagine what these people have to offer let alone the luxury of their homes which I imagine a lot of them come with a great history. Also it would be grate to experience a place on the other side of the economic world at least for once.
This looks so exciting!
I love to travel, and during travels I particularly enjoy architecture, history and seeing how people live. It is so interesting to me seeing how the poeple of a given country lives (at least from what one can see from the exterior of their apartments or houses). I like to believe this is a good way to get some insights into peoples’ culture. Lower budget apartment buildings with tiny apartments, but with perfectly kept brick walls and beautiful gardens talks about a culture where people take pride in and appreciate what they’ve got no matter how “generic” it might be to some. Houses or buildings where people grow herbs on the porch next to their bike might give the impression of environmentally friendly people living there. Huge, distinguished houses with lights in only one window might indicate wealthy, but lonely inhabitants in the given area.
In the case of “glouchsurfing”, I could now also see how people live from the inside! And maybe learn more about their history and their way of living. It would be so exciting to get some info on how to become a glochsurfer.
Best regards, Siv
Living in Vancouver has cut into my ability to fund my passion. What an amazing opportunity; one that motivates me to get back to my ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’ attitude.
Thanks for the post.
This is indeed very interesting, not only for travelers but also for the hosts. As you beautifully stated they often get lonely or travel a lot themselves leaving their property. As a couchsurfer it would be an educational experience getting to know the complete other side of it.
As a photographer artist it would lead to magical reasults of self-growth & inspiration.
Fascinating, simply fascinating and generous, I am so amazed by this idea that I would definitely want to take a chance. Do my research and make it an experience to last!
With love and care
That Sounds awesome! I m very interested how to become part of the community,
I love to travel and i m using since a year couchsurfing. I met really nice and open minded people. If there is a new network to get places to stay while traveling i would be glad to get some news and details. thanks sabina
2 reasons:
1. I simply want to feel how it’s like to be rich
2. To hang out with the rich owners and see if they’re normal just like us. What makes them happy? What makes them sad? What excites them? Do they wish they were just normal?