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Kenya’s safari diversity in 9 photos

People think they know Kenya: they’ve seen the BBC’s Big Cat Diary in the Masai Mara and more recently they might have watched Saba Douglas-Hamilton and her young family adjust to running Elephant Watch Camp in the Samburu Reserve. But those famous safari areas and their lions and leopards are only part of the story of this wonderful country; diverse in landscapes, people and experiences. Flying internationally you land in Nairobi and, before you even leave the city, a stay at Giraffe Manor means sharing breakfast with the Rothschild giraffes that call this sanctuary home. They love to be fed pony nuts through the windows of the manor, but the table decorations also make a very acceptable meal too. Giraffe Manor Nairobi Just south from the plains of Amboseli you can watch elephant herds with Kilimanjaro, as a backdrop. At 5,895m it’s the world’s highest freestanding mountain and rises from the sweltering African plains to a snow-capped peak. Wildlife drive from Tortilis Camp with Kilimanjaro And on those wildlife drives you might find yourselves getting closer to some of the predators than you ever thought was possible. In the Masai Mara cheetah have realised the potential of a 4WD game viewer as somewhere from which to spot their next meal. Richards Camp Masai Mara cheetah on game viewing vehicle And it’s the grassy plains of the Masai Mara that play host to the wildebeest migration between July and October each year. A million wildebeest and half as many zebra track through the Serengeti in Tanzania before running the gauntlet of the fast water and crocodiles as they cross the Mara River to reach Kenya and good grazing. Offbeat Safaris Masai Mara wildebeest migration Further north, on the Laikipia Plateau towards Mount Kenya, it’s four legs rather than four wheels being used for game viewing in the Borana Reserve. Wildlife trusts other wildlife, which includes horses, so it’s possible to get relatively close to animals such as these giraffe without spooking them. Borana Ranch riding with giraffes In the neighbouring Lewa Conservancy one of the wildest marathons is run each year in aid of Tusk. Runners follow a 26 mile route through the reserve with rangers ensuring their safety from animals, but with the occasional piece of wildlife joining in. Lewa Marathon for TUSK Lewa Conservancy Lewa is also the base of Will Craig’s yellow biplane which offers visitors the chance of a scenic flight or a romantic way to get to their next destination. With just a leather-flapped aviator helmet between you and the rushing air, this is flying at its most raw and a wonderful way to view the wildlife dotted plains below you. Lewa Biplane Will Craig Of the many tribes in Kenya, the Samburu in traditional dress are one of the most colourful with both men and women wearing beaded jewellery made by the women. The name Samburu, meaning ‘butterfly’, was given to the tribe by neighbouring tribes who admired their beauty. Samburu girls in beaded jewellery At Loisaba there’s the chance to sleep under the stars in a four-poster bed on Land-Rover wheels, handy for a quick escape under the nearby thatch if the sleep-out proves too much of an adventure. A Samburu night-watchman is on hand for a bed-time story and babysitting for younger visitors while parents enjoy a night-cap by the fire. Loisaba starbed and Samburu babysitter Kenya is about wildlife. It is about the predators from the television programmes. But there’s more to it than just game drives. Lots of activities to enjoy, landscapes to gaze at in wonder, and people to spend time with and learn from. And we haven’t even looked at the coast… another time. Richard Smith is Operations Director at Aardvark Safaris. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

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  1. Friends of mine were in the Masai Mara and this cheetah and her 3 cubs came and were on top of the Landcruiser. With the help of the guide, they took selfies nearly 6 inches from the cheetahs….amazing, I was telling them you cheeted death :)

  2. Steve – Thanks for sharing. With gags like that you should definitely consider a career in stand up comedy!

  3. There is more to experience in kenya,the landscapes too are breath taking especially around mount kenya. The parks that never disappounts too when it comes to the wildlife,The Tsavos,lake nakuru plus of course the famous maasai mara.The samburu cultures,the coast too is yet another place to be in kenya but if you love nature and want to enjoy spetacular landscapes, central island never disappoints(not so known by many,quite sad)

  4. We’ve only been on one luxury trip. It was a safari in Kenya and all the lodges were 5 star. It was wonderful-the trip of a lifetime. The only thing I missed was interacting with other travelers. Everyone very much kept to themselves. Is this how luxury travel always is?

  5. I would say safari is one of the better holidays for people to interact – you share wildlife activities and many small camps offer a ‘hosted table’ at meals where people can all eat together. There’s pre-dinner drinks and late night nightcaps round the fire and conversations can start with ‘what did you see today?’ making interacting with others very easy.

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