
Never miss another post from A Luxury Travel Blog again!

Do you wish you could be notified whenever we publish something new? In the past this has been possible if you use our RSS feed, but this is a little technical for some. Now being among the first to know when there’s a new post on A Luxury Travel Blog has become a whole lot easier. We’ve implemented a new feature recently that allows you to get in-browser notifications whenever we publish something new. Receiving these alerts couldn’t be easier – just look for the red bell icon in the bottom right hand corner, and click on it. You don’t need to enter an email address or anything like that – simply click on the ‘subscribe’ button. And that’s it! If at any time, you wish to turn off these alerts, that is simple also: click on the icon again, and click the button to unsubscribe. Over 2,000 of you have already signed up for these notifications in the short time it’s been made available, so we’d like to say a big ‘thank you’ for your continued support and interest in the site. Thank you! If you’d also like to know the other ways to keep track of what we’re up to, from our mailing lists to our social media channels and more, just head to our ‘subscribe for updates’ page.

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.

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  1. I’ve been using the RSS feed for years but have to say this is a hell of a lot more convenient! Thanks for implementing this, Paul…!! :)

    1. Thanks, Jimmy. The option to follow us via the RSS feed is still there if anyone still wishes to use that method… but yet, hopefully this will make it a little easier for those who wish to be among the first to know when we publish something new. Best wishes, Paul

  2. Hi Paul – this is brilliant. I love the simplicity of it. If only more blogs had this plug-in; it’s a great way to follow your favorites!

    1. Thank you, Marcus – glad you deemed us worthy of subscription. There are lots of feed reader apps that you can use to subscribe to other blogs that don’t offer in-browser notifications. Feedly seems to be the most popular. Hope this helps.


  3. This is a fantastic new feature. I really enjoy reading your posts so it’s great to hear that there is a way to stay connected and alert. I will be using this for sure!

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