Spam Karma 2

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Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.
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Testing the spam police.
Thanks, Bruce… I’m still trying to get to grips with this thing. Before, all comments were moderated and over 90% had to be marked as spam. Now it seems legit comments (and one or two illegit ones) just go through straight away, without requiring any moderation, with the bulk of the spam being caught. I’d prefer to still be able to moderate all comments… there must be another setting somewhere…
Aha…! Thanks to IanD – a member on the Wordpress support forums – I’ve discovered there’s an additional plug-in that works with the Spam Karma 2 plug-in to get around exactly what I’ve just described.
I have now added this so this should be an end to spam making its way into the comments, but at the same time should reduce my moderation workload significantly.
Thank you, Ian.
Paul, happy to help. Now you have SK2 running as you want you might want to install bad behavior too. Currently it is stopping about 200 spams a day even reaching SK2 on my site.
Yes, I have read about that. I may well need to look into it some time.
200 spams a day, you say? Blimey.
Paul, it’s a big problem with blogs, thankfully, like you I have all comments on moderation. I’ve not noticed this plugin though so I’ll check it out tonight.
So far, so good… it’s working a treat. I’ve also set things so that people who have had an approved comment on here, can post freely. That’s why your’s went through straight away, Darren. Of course, I still get email notifications, just in case someone thinks they can sneakily bypass the system…
Someone else below asked this already about antispam scripts.
I am getting nailed with Spam on my website mails and in our blog website – now its offline too much spam. Is there anyway to stop this? If not, there really isn’t any point in leaving it up and active. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for help, Keep up the good work. Greetings from Poland
Hi there, and welcome aboard.
What blogging software are you using?