Please don’t be shy… post a comment!
Although it’s already looking like March 2007 will be yet another record month for traffic on A Luxury Travel Blog (the third such month on the trot), I’m surprised how few of the blog’s posts are actually attracting any form of comment. Please don’t be shy… post a comment! And check the ‘subscribe’ option when you do, so you can be notified if someone responds to what you have to say. And thank you for your support.
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Hello….I am reading. I have been subscribed to your feed for some time but don’t believe I have commented on your blog before.
Keep up the great work!
Hi Todd
Since your comment here just arrived on the same date as this blog entry…
…I’m guessing you actually meant to comment on the above link, but were taken here by clicking on one of the related posts.
Anyway, thanks for dropping by and re-assuring me that all is well. I’m always pleased to hear from those of you reading, so please call in and comment again some time soon!