American Express Travel offers around-the-world luxury trip via private jet
American Express has teamed up with luxury tour provider Abercrombie & Kent to provide an ultra-luxe, 24-day worldwide itinerary by private jet to five continents and eight destinations. The price tag? A modest $97,970 per person. Los Angeles will be the starting point, where the private jet will begin its circle around the globe, making stops in desirable destinations such as Easter Island; Sydney, Australia; Jaipur, India; Dubai; Seville, Spain; until its final landing in New York City. Throughout the super-luxurious tour, travellers will enjoy the finest accommodations, gourmet dining, and top-notch on-board service from a 13-member crew, including a private chef and seven flight attendants. The trip is now available for booking and take-off is 20th January to 13th February 2009. With only 52 slots, this experience will surely beckon the most pampered of travellers.
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Fabulous trip to put on your Life List!
Two other companies that offer compelling Round-the-World private jet itineraries are and
These trips sell out more often than one might imagine, so advance planning—and booking—is recommended.