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Interview with Shira Lazar of NBC et al.

On an ideal morning, after checking and answering Eastcoast emails on my crackberry and laptop, I enjoy starting it off with a workout- I either go to the gym to train, jog outside or do bikram yoga. I also love green tea in the am- that’s my go-to energy booster. Then it’s off to meetings and shoots typically around the entire city. I work on a lot of projects at once, so I’m never really in one place. Currently, I am working with MasterCard on their “Break in Their Jeans” promotion. Sometimes, I get called in the AM for a last minute live shot for CNN or Fox News. I live very much on the go, so I have to be ready for whatever comes my way. I always keep the essentials on me to the point where at times it looks like I’m living out of my car. My evenings are typically packed too- sometimes I have to cover a red carpet or host/moderate an event. If I have time, I’ll set up a business dinner at a fun spot. By the time I get home in the evening, if I’m not too tired I’ll continue emailing, blogging and tweeting up a storm. Then it all starts again the next morning.What do you enjoy most about what you do?
The amazing people I get to meet that constantly inspire and challenge me. I also love to simply make people happy and bring them access to individuals, stories or experiences they don’t have access to or otherwise wouldn’t know about. Bringing my voice to bigger issues that create a positive impact for the world is also truly rewarding.What would you say are the 3 best places you’ve ever stayed?
Patagonia, Chile – When you look around you all you see are snowcapped mountains, acres a flat green land and aqua lakes. The air is so fresh too. They don’t call it a hikers paradise for no reason. Kauai, Hawaii – This is my ultimate vacation spot. The moment you get off the plane, it exudes this calming energy. The island has this jungle vibe complete with fresh fruit stands and incredible beaches, which make you feel like you’ve really escaped reality. I usually get a beach house on Anini beach, where you can wake up and within a few steps be lounging in the water. Tarifa, Spain – Tarifa is located at the southernmost tip of Spain, and is the ultimate surf town. The white-sanded beaches stretch for miles, where you can also hike and take a dip in some amazing natural ponds. After dinner, I would sit on the beach, look out onto the horizon and see the lights of Morocco. It’s a very special and quaint spot.What’s been your most memorable dining experience to date?
I’m friends with a lot of chefs so this is a hard question, because I’ve had so many incredible dining experiences. One of my longest dining experiences went from noon until 6pm at one of my favorite Italian lunch spots in Los Angeles, Café Mauro. I also had the most amazing one-of-a-kind cured salmon recently at the Beverly Hills Hotel that sells for over $100/pound. One of my most authentic dining experiences though might have recently been in Chile where we went rock climbing and then set up an entire picnic in a cave looking out onto the mountains and lake. It was low-key, but such a memorable moment.Have you rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous, either through your work or your travels?
Being in Hollywood and working in entertainment news, I’ve had countless encounters with many celebs. I’ve been drinking at Four Seasons and Britney Spears flies by. I’ve worked closely with Ashton Kutcher at the Sundance Film Festival and interviewed everyone from the classics like Al Pacino and Steve Martin to Angelina Jolie and George Clooney.What currently ranks highest on your travel wishlist?
Space travel. I want to go with Richard Branson on Virgin Galactic in Space and live-stream the entire experience.Thank you, Shira. You are clearly a very busy person and I appreciate you taking the time to take part in an interview on A Luxury Travel Blog.
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Great interview! Gosh, would I love to travel in space as well!!!
Thanks for this, never heard of Tarifa in Spain before but will check it out sounds my type of place.