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3 tried and tested travel accessories from my latest trip

On a recent trip to Athens to attend the Travel Trade Athens 2014 event (see related blog posts “Short stay: InterContinental Athenaeum Hotel, Athens” and “8 things I saw on my trip to Athens“), I took the opportunity to try out a few new travel accessories. This was my first trip to mainland Greece (I’ve been to a number of the islands) – an enjoyable visit and I may well be returning to the capital again later in the year. Read on for details of the items I put through their paces on this trip. Pocket WiFi from TEP wireless We all want to stay connected and yet avoid astronomical roaming costs when we travel. One solution to this dilemma is this TEP wireless device. With this item, so long as I could get a 3G connection (and let’s face it, you usually can in most cities), I could then create my own WiFi hotspot with this simple, compact gizmo. Connecting to this with my iPhone (or my laptop if I so wished) was a completely straightforward procedure and then – hey presto – I had internet on the go. I was on the move a lot and never really felt the connection was strong enough to do any serious, bandwidth-hungry browsing, but that’s not what I needed it for. I found it fulfilled my needs and was extremely handy and efficient when it came to just polling emails and overseeing the “essentials” before returning to the hotel where I had free broadband access. TEP wireless The drifter from STM Bags STM Bags describe the drifter as “like your favourite pair of cargo pants” and I can see what they are getting at. This is a very comfortable backpack and yet extremely versatile too. I see myself using this one a lot as it is a good size (not too big or too small, but “just right” as Goldilocks would say!), has a handy 15″ padded cell for my laptop and various convenient compartments to store all those little extras such as camera, chargers, etc. The bottom zip pocket holds a detachable rain cover – not that I had to worry about that in Greece but it will make it useful at home, too, since I live in one of the wettest parts of England.   The drifter Tutorial course from Photography Concentrate I’m always keen to improve my photography skills and like to keep abreast of everything there is to learn.  To be able to download a course from Photography Concentrate which I could read (and watch – there are some videos, too) on the journey, without the need for an internet connection was really convenient. What’s more, I found the presentation to be really clear and straight forward. Beautifully done and highly recommended, regardless of your level of expertise since there are various courses to choose from. Photography Concentrate

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.

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  1. I am particularly intrigued by the TEP wireless device because of course as you mentioned, it is always imperative to have Internet connection especially as a frequent traveler. If you are traveling for business or pleasure, the need to be able to connect to a wi-fi hotspot means that products like these will likely always sell well.

    We have actually just received a Drifter bag from STM so am looking forward to using this. I really like the waterproof cover feature at the bottom of the bag which is important for adventure and outdoor trecking.

  2. I love that wifi device, will have to check it out to get a better idea about how it works and the cost. It sounds like a great way to tap into local wifi without having to go through a lot of hassle

  3. Three great suggestions Paul. The TEP wireless is especially interesting. Will look into further details, as I always seem to be running into internet issues when traveling. The Photography Concentrate is something that could be a big help as well. Thanks.

  4. The Tep Wireless is something my husband and I have used in the past and I would recommend the modem. It’s great for vacation trips.

  5. Thanks for the reviews of these items. The WiFi device seems particularly useful, and travelers are always looking for the right backpack. The STM Drifter seems “just right” for many. I will consider recommending these items to my clients.

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