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Luxury travel news this week

Here’s a round-up of luxury travel stories that have caught the eye this week. To make sure you receive these new weekly alerts in your web browser, please click on the red bell icon in the bottom right hand corner of the page and click ‘subscribe’ (works on desktop only – for other ways to subscribe, please click here). This will also alert you to any other posts on the blog. Should you wish, you can unsubscribe at any time, by clicking on the icon again and selecting ‘unsubscribe’. ‘Atlantis 2’ joins Dubai’s new wave of elite hotels Atlantis, The Palm hotel has been a byword for opulence since it opened in 2008. Situated on the man-made island of Palm Jumeirah, the hotel has earned a reputation as a magnet for celebrities, drawn by attractions such as one of the Emirate’s most spectacular- and expensive – suites. But a sequel project could surpass the original. The finishing touches are being added to The Royal Atlantis Resort & Residences ahead of its scheduled opening in late 2020. The $1.4bn megaproject, also developed by the Kerzner group, will sit alongside The Palm sharing 63 hectares of prime seafront… [read more] Spain’s first women-only hotel has opened in Mallorca Located in the charming seaside town of Porto Cristo on the east side of the island, the Som Dona Hotel is a concept made by women for women. The project emerged following extensive market research that included focus groups and interviews among customers asking what products they desired. Results pointed out that most women seek wanderlust destinations and are driven by healthy lifestyle habits around the mind and body, while socialising with other women… [read more] Have we hit peak supercar? At the Frankfurt Auto Show this week, Lamborghini plans to unveil a V12 hybrid supercar called the Sian. The Bologna, Italy-based brand will make 63 of them, all already spoken for. Though unconfirmed, early reports set the price of the car around $3 million — an astronomical though increasingly common amount… [read more] Travelling lightly: here are the world’s most eco-friendly destinations The world is changing and travel is changing with it thanks to a green revolution occurring beneath our feet. Not so long ago most of us travelled to forget the world’s problems, as well as our own. Now we’re taking our sustainable sensibilities with us. We’re travelling with our own reusable water bottles and coffee cups. We’re choosing trains over planes, eating plant-based and SLO (seasonal, local and organic), picking up litter, saying no to plastic bags and straws, thinking twice about the impact we’re having, being kind to animals, giving back… [read more] Beijing Daxing Airport is now open and it has the world’s largest terminal Last Wednesday saw the new and shiny Beijing Daxing International Airport’s first flight take off. Construction only began a mere five years ago. Designed by renowned architect Zaha Hadid’s firm, Daxing is an architectural feat. The entire airport resembles a six-legged low-lying ochre alien if seen from above. It looks stunning and sleek from the inside and out. Will Daxing join the big leagues of Singapore’s Changi Airport or Qatar’s Hamad Airport, to be considered the best in the world?… [read more] We really enjoy hearing from our readers and would love to hear your views on any of these stories! Please click on the comments below and share your thoughts. Thank you. Have a story you’d like to share? Please contact us for details.

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.

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  1. Yet another uber-luxury hotel for Dubai? You can’t help but wonder when the glitzy Emirate is going to hit capacity.

    Or has it got the perfect location? Not too far south of Europe and especially Russia for winter sun and not too far away from Asia either. Has Dubai got the perfect location?

  2. The only question with Spain’s first women-only hotel on Mallorca is “Why has it taken so long?”

    I can see that the owners would want to invest in extensive market research to check that there is a market but from my travels I have stayed at quite a few hotels specialising in spas / wellness / tranquility/ pampering and me-time that were almost women only. They had a lot of mother / daughter and friends groups as well as quite a high number of solo women travellers too. Can’t see any reason why it won’t be a roaring success.

    1. So Mallorca’s got a hotel just for women. Are they opening up a brother hotel that’s just for men? Huge screens in the rooms and bar that ONLY show sport. No fancy spas – just one big gym with plenty of macho weights. Plus a restaurant with real man-sized portions.

    2. Ahan! Brother I would love to see such a gents-only hotel! But why shouldn’t it feature a fancy spa and sauna?
      Well, I am a die-hard spa lover and so are a lot of my buddies. And to be honest, I don’t see anything wrong with the idea of a men’s spa. After all, we too deserve some Me-Time after a long tiring day at office- meeting continuous deadlines, attending those endless meetings, conferences and phone calls while simultaneously dealing with our wife’s and kids tantrums. No?
      Hahaha. Never mind.
      Jokes apart, I for one, believe that Spa and Fitness Centres are absolutely essential for an individual’s physical and mental well-being (irrespective of the gender).

  3. It is worth clicking through to the piece asking whether we have hit peak on super car.

    There’s one one sentence that I find particularly interesting:

    “Automakers figured that if you loved, or at least knew about, the Acura NSX that Formula 1 champion Aryton Senna helped develop, you’d be more likely to buy an Accord.”

    It says so much about the way the human brain works. In its search for any dot of trivia that will help it make a decision the brain collects all the information that it can find without evaluating it. You could call it the “Mercedes syndrome.” Lewis Hamilton keeps winning the F1 title so Mercedes cars must be great so I will go and buy one to take the family shopping and the garden rubbish to the skip.

  4. Yikes, that Atlantis hotel is insane! That deserves awards for architecture. I love it. $1.4 billion for the project, I can only imagine how much it would cost to stay there for a week when it opens, though I imagine there’s already a waiting list full of celebrities and those with deep pockets. Ditto for the supercar, clearly those 63 got snapped up quickly. But $3 for a car? I wouldn’t want to park it anywhere other than a high security garage, much less drive it anywhere! ‘More money than sense’ springs to mind with this one…

  5. There’s definitely been a significant surge in eco issues being considered within tourism. More travellers are looking at eco friendly criteria of the places they choose to say, and it’s good that we’re all (or most of us anyway!) are becoming more conscious of lifestyle choices with even the small things like recycling, using paper straws and using reusable bottles. Hopefully this also translates to appreciating the beauty of the animals that inhabit the world with supporting conservation efforts too.

  6. Not only am I impressed with the aesthetics of Beijing Daxing Airport it also seems to me that the architect has actually thought of the poor passengers too.

    More and more airports seem to be under pressure and leaving it to the last moment before finally telling the passenger which gate their aircraft has finally arrived at. I’ve had some long-distance treks to get to my plane. You have to feel sorry for older and less mobile passengers. On one nightmare occasion, at Gatwick, the Captain and crew sprinted past me after they had been given the wrong gate number.

    Excellent news that at Daxing the furthest gate is only 600 metres, or 8 minutes away.

  7. I read the piece on eco-travel and travelling light etc etc in the link to the Traveller but I still feel uneasy.

    We read so many pieces about say a hotel giving up plastic straws and their PR department bigs it up as if they’ve not just saved the world but the whole universe too. I know that we shouldn’t knock a hotel that has its own beehive. If you read last week’s headlines you will know that the survival of the bee is absolutely vital for the survival of so many species. I can’t help thinking that we should all be doing so much more and that so many of these actions from the travel industry are really only tiny PR gestures that are not really going to make too much difference at the end of the day.

  8. Having been associated with a feminist movement in the past, it really pleases me to see all our struggle, hardships and trials finally bearing fruit. From floors specifically reserved for ladies in some of the most luxurious hotels throughout the world to the inauguration of 5-star women-only hotels, first in the in the Middle-East and now Spain, all I can say is that feminism has indeed come a long way- and seems as if there is no turning back. Way to go!!!

    1. Madam Bertha. With all due respect, but I personally found the concept of a ladies-only hotel very offensive. You know why? Because this is sheer gender-discrimination. And I hope that feminism doesn’t support that. Rather, it’s a beautiful concept initiated on the grounds of endorsing gender equality. It’s all about female empowerment which hopefully doesn’t come at the cost of deprivation of the opposite sect’s rights. So, I don’t get why this hotel in Spain has stolen the highlight for all the wrong reasons.

    2. Very right Sir Wayne! Feminism is all about encouraging gender-equality. And the only reason why a ladies-only hotel is receiving cheers from all across the globe is because such an accommodation gives sole women travellers a sense of security and relaxation (just as in the case of a separate female rest room in a public place). Indeed, if you look up, there are numerous researches out there conducted by some of the leading institutions that agree upon the findings that the key factors for women in choosing accommodations are the security level, opportunities for relaxation, recreation and autonomy.
      And I believe that these hotels are doing just that!!
      P.S. The same goes for a gents-only hotel. I am pretty sure all the feminists will ardently support the launch of such a hotel.

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