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Luxury travel news this week
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Saudi Arabia tourism: So what is there to see?
Saudi Arabia’s recent decision to fling open its doors to foreign tourists has sent a mild ripple of excitement running through the travel industry. A vast and hitherto largely closed country is now there to be experienced. So what exactly is there to see in Saudi Arabia? Why go at all, in fact? It’s hardly a budget destination like South East Asia… [read more]
The Queen’s luxurious travel requests revealed – she must have this one item
The Queen is no stranger to travel, visiting over 100 countries during her reign. With that comes a whole host of requirements in order to ensure her trip goes off without a hitch. Now some of her specialist requests have been revealed and it turns out she is very specific about travelling with this one thing… [read more]
This luxurious $110 million superyacht concept was designed to combat climate change
Meet MY Fata Morgana, a luxurious superyacht that was designed to bring attention to climate change. Fata Morgana, Italian for “a mirage,” was designed to be sailed in arctic areas, such as the Northwest Passage. The melting ice caps, caused by climate change, have made the passage easier to navigate and sail through… [read more]
7 of the world’s most verdant city escapes
In an increasingly eco-conscious world, smoky, fume-filled cities often get a bad name. The car exhaust, the noise pollution, the grey, concrete brutalism – urban areas can feel claustrophobic, and it’s no wonder so many city-dwellers spend their weekends escaping to the country. But not every metropolis is so tree-free. Here are a few urban jungles that won’t make you choose between nature and culture… [read more]
Milwaukee is the world’s hottest new travel destination, according to Airbnb. Here’s why it won the top spot.
If your bucket list reads like a directory of some of the world’s most far-flung and expensive destinations, you may be happy to hear that the latest hot spot might be a little more affordable and closer to home. According to Airbnb, which just released a list of the top 20 destinations to visit in 2020, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is the world’s most up-and-coming destination… [read more]
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Here’s a round-up of luxury travel stories that have caught the eye this week. To make sure you receive these new weekly alerts in your web browser, please click on the red bell icon in the bottom right hand corner of the page and click ‘subscribe’ (works on desktop only – for other ways to subscribe, 

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You really need to be told that the super environmentally friendly yacht is actually a yacht. It looks more like a harbour coffee-shop that’s been set adrift. It takes some leap of imagination to to see that there’s a yacht in there. The stats are amazing and on the environmental count it’s an encouraging sign of how much progress science is making.
It’ll be interesting to read more about traveller experiences in Saudi Arabia, I still can’t quite imagine that as a vacation spot. I love those urban jungle scapes, and it’s not surprising Canada makes the list as that’s often known for being a beautiful place to live with a good balance between concrete and nature. Not sure how much I’d agree with London. Sure, there are parks and green spaces, but the smog cloud outweighs the goodness there. Kew Gardens is something I see as an entity in its own right, it’s like it’s in its own little bubble. It’s absolutely beautiful there and I’d definitely recommend visiting if you’re doing a London trip, it’s worth the entry fee.
So the super yacht is a design dream, hoping to be as eco friendly as possible but it doesn’t really do anything else. It’s just going to look a bit like an iceberg, sail in the artic areas and create some publicity about the melting ice caps. Surely the most eco friendly thing to do would be to simply not built it in the first place. That would be $110 million towards doing something for actual conservation…
I never knew the queen was a fan of good ol’ Malvern water! I used to go to the Malvern hills when I was a kid and we’d take plastic bottles, fill them right from the source. Not sure if they still do that or if there’s some kind of health and safety thing in place now where it’s not allowed, as that wouldn’t surprise me. I hadn’t come across this channel 5 documentary, I’ll have to have a look for it on catch up.
To me water is water. I was taught at school that it’s two lots of hydrogen to one helping of oxygen and we even made it in a chemistry lesson not that I dared to taste it. The Queen must have more refined taste than me when it comes to water.
But I am with her on tea although I disagree over Earl Grey. I can cope with Earl Grey for afternoon tea but it’s far too strong for me early in the morning for breakfast.
I fear that we are in the midst of a world coffee revolution and even in some top 5 star hotels nowadays there’s just a couple of token tea bags in the room on a tray. More often than not they are herbal. Who drinks camomile or peppermint tea first thing in the morning?
Never mind Extinction Rebellion lets rebel against the extinction of traditional real tea.
Great Post!!! I truly believe that there is much more to explore new places. The world has incredible beauty which makes us visit new places for sure.