Anyone out there have a Trunki?
Trunki (or two!) for our two boys, but I’ve never been sure whether toddlers actually stay on them. We could either pack their carry-on luggage with our own, or let them travel with a little rucksack… or go down the Trunki route. But what if the novelty wears off, and they don’t stay on them…? Then you’re left carrying your own luggage, dragging or carrying your child’s luggage, and potentially carrying your child, too. This Trunki video looks fun but it kind of confirms my fears.
Does anyone reading this have a Trunki and, if so, how do you find it?
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I don´t have a Trunki and this is the firt time I see one of these, but I don´t think it´s a good idea. I don´t know how much could you carry in one of those but for me the best for a child´s carry-on is a small backpack they can carry themselves with all their stuff to keep them entertained duriing the flight. I don´t think kids will find this Trunki thing very amusing. As you said, you will most likely end carrying it.