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And the US wonders why it has an obesity problem…
A Luxury Travel Blog on Twitter caught my eye this morning. Mangia (Twitter account, @Mangia_Inc) is an online service where you can order food from your stadium seat by cell phone and have it brought straight to you. Sheeesh… and they wonder why they have an obesity problem in the United States! This is surely laziness on a par with drive-thrus. And yes, I understand the argument that you might not want to miss ‘the game’ but, in my experience of football (soccer) matches, you’re usually still able to watch whilst queueing at these places. Half-time and other stoppages would also allow for you lift your sorry behind out of your seat and actually walk the few yards to the nearest outlet within the stadium. Interesting idea, though, and I wish them well with it. A little worryingly, perhaps, I suspect there probably is the demand in the US. The service currently only applies to the Rio Tinto Stadium in Sandy, Utah (home of the Major League Soccer team Real Salt Lake), but there are plans to take it to other stadia.
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Paul, I would say that getting your food delivered to your seat is not luxury travel. A private box would probably fulfil the luxury criteria for sporting events. This service is more like a pizza delivery service to your seat and would have to be operated by the stadium owners as they would not tolerate external suppliers.
I totally agree with you, adding that if all anyone can do is think about food while watching the game then it must be a very boring match.
No, John… certainly not luxury. It just caught my eye as Mangia was following A Luxury Travel Blog on Twitter. I just picked up on it because I found it interesting, if a little curious!
I think this is something that should be done in all stadia. I was a bit of a stadia nerd back in the day and the technology to do this has been available for years. With clubs wanting fans to spend more whilst at a game it surely makes sense?
Wish I could do this at the cinema!