Soon you’ll have to travel to the UK to eat fish and chips
UK dating back to the 1860s, will be outlawed in mainland Europe.
Once a stock meal of the working classes in northern England, the popularity of battered fish and chips quickly spread throughout the UK as well as further afield. But come midday on 1st April 2019, when all Brexit negotiations will have been completed, the only place (no pun intended) that it will be legal to purchase and consume this popular meal will be within the UK.
It’s expected that this will give the UK a small tourism boost as fans of this classic dish choose to visit Britain in order to get their fix of fish and chips.
Avril Duper, a spokesperson for the EU, has pointed out that mushy peas will also be strictly off-limits to non-UK residents, but perhaps they won’t be quite so sorely missed!
Did you know this was happening? Do you think it’s a good thing? Please tell us in the comments below!
With Article 50 having now been triggered and Brexit becoming a reality, there are a number of small changes that are happening that many people are not aware of. Among them is that the traditional meal of fish and chips, which has its origins in the 
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All the more fish and chips for us Brits! And we should never have let the rest of the world in on how wonderful mushy peas are to start with.
Happy 1st April!
Funny, almost as brilliant as last year’s epic Glouching story.
Thanks for sharing your great sense of humour.
Thanks, Candice… although I’m going to have to beg to differ on the mushy peas issue! ;-)
And thank you, Philippe! I nearly forgot this year, so just rattled this one off quickly at around midnight.
Glouchsurfing (for those interested: ) was in fact 2 years ago. I haven’t managed to top that one since… it even had people registering all manner of glouchsurfing related domain names in the immediate aftermath! :-)
PS – Last year was sniffer cats!
i love fish & chips, I will totally go to England for that. Did you know that it originally came from Spain?
“Who first had the bright idea to marry fish with chips remains the subject of fierce controversy and we will probably never know for sure. It is safe to say it was somewhere in England but arguments rage over whether it was up north or down south.”
But also “Around the same time, fried fish was introduced into Britain by Jewish refugees from Portugal and Spain.”
and did you also know that the originally the batter was never meant to be eaten? It is merely a way of sealing in the fish…
Amazing, I think it wouldn’t be sorely missed anyway. Fish and Chips is, along with ali oli, in my top ‘foods you regret you ate as soon as you ate them’ list.