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Special feature: Polurrian Bay Hotel, Lizard, Cornwall, UK

The West Country has had its fair share of publicity lately thanks in no small part to the storms over the last few weeks and the media coverage that’s accompanied them – so much so that Visit Cornwall even produced a video to say they were very much open, accompanied by the #openforbusiness hashtag. Living in Cumbria, though, we weren’t about to let a little rain deter us and so we made the lengthy journey down to the Lizard peninsula. Polurrian Bay Hotel exterior We stayed at the Polurrian Bay Hotel, a member of Luxury Family Hotels, and arrived just in time to see the sun setting over the Atlantic from our room. Polurrian Bay Hotel double bedroom We had two interconnecting rooms (one double, one twin) on the second floor of the hotel, each with separate bathrooms equipped with robes and Voya toiletries. Polurrian Bay Hotel toiletries The rooms offered ample space, with super-comfy beds, and the view of sea and the rugged Cornish coastline being an added bonus. Polurrian Bay Hotel twin bedroom The next morning, looking back at the hotel against a backdrop of blue sky, you could be forgiven for forgetting it was mid-February and how different the weather had been the previous week. Polurrian Bay Hotel We wandered along a short stretch of the South-West Coastal Path to Poldhu beach, passing along the way the Marconi Centre and the site of the first ever trans-Atlantic wireless communication. It was from here in December 1901 that a short radio signal was sent to Marconi in Newfoundland. Little would he have realised then that this pioneering work would later give rise to everything from mobile communications to the Polurrian Bay Hotel’s free WiFi offering… and it all started here, just a few hundred metres from the hotel itself. Marconi Centre Dropping down into Poldhu, we found a lovely little beach café, had a drink and a snack, and wandered back. Temperatures were surprisingly mild given the time of year that we didn’t particularly have to ‘wrap up’. Poldhu Bay The next day, we visited Lizard Point, the most southerly tip of mainland Britain, which is just a 20 minute drive from the hotel. There are a few walks you can do there, as well as regular tours of the lighthouse. Lizard Point If you get chance, also call in on Kynance Cove just a couple of miles to the north of Lizard Point. It’s regarded as one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the south-west and has enjoyed increased popularity since Victorian times, welcoming many distinguished visitors including the poet Alfred Tennyson. Further afield, we were very impressed by the tidal island of St. Michael’s Mount, modelled on its more famous counterpart of Mont St. Michel, but still pulling in an impressive 300,000+ visitors per annum. If the tide is in, you can get there by an amphibious vehicle. We caught the last of these as the tide was on its way out and found ourselves driving all but the very last bit. (On our return, we came back on foot via the causeway which was undergoing repair as sadly about half of it had been washed away by the preceding weekend’s storm.) St Michael's Mount boat As you may or may not know, St. Michael’s Mount is also a land where giants once roamed and legend has it that one giant named Cormoran, who plundered livestock from the mainland, was one morning tricked by a boy called Jack who dug a hole that the giant fell into. The giant’s heart (we’ll assume you already know that giants’ hearts are made of stone) was placed in the path that leads up The Mount. Can you see it? St Michael's Mount giants heart If you’re ever there in person, place your foot on the stone in question and your right hand on your left shoulder and you can feel the giant’s heart beating. (It works best on the way up rather than the way down…) Giants aside, St. Michael’s Mount has an interesting history and is unique in that the main building on the summit is essentially a monastery, castle and family home (still lived in by the St. Aubyn family today) all rolled into one. St Michael's Mount Make sure you go inside as the interior is immaculately kept and well worth a look, plus there are guides on hand who will offer many further insights into the history and life on the island. St Michael's Mount interior Nearby, you also have the Minack Theatre with the spectacular backdrop of Porthcurno beach. A little further on is Land’s End but, more worthy of a stop just to the north, the beautiful sandy expanse of Sennen Cove. Porthcurno beach In addition to all that there is to see and do in the area, for me what is really special about the Polurrian Bay Hotel is how conducive it is to relaxation for the whole family. Even on rainy days, there’s plenty to occupy children – ‘The Den’ where there’s a regular programme of staffed events such as baking and all manner of creative play, trunks full of toys and board games, a games room with table football, pool table and games consoles, a cinema with two films showing each evening, and a DVD library from which you’re welcome to borrow. Polurrian Bay Hotel games room There’s even about 20 stone ‘mice’ for children to hunt for around the hotel and a certificate to claim from reception for those who successfully find them all. Polurrian Bay Hotel mouse If you have a rainy day where you still feel the need to get out, we’d recommend a visit to the Cornish Seal Sanctuary at nearby Gweek. At the time of our visit, they were looking after a record number of baby seals due to the recent violent weather, but they have an excellent record when it comes to rehabilitation and returning them to the ocean. Seal sanctuary Do make sure you attend the feeding times and informative talks led by Alex. He is the font of all knowledge, not just on seals but seemingly on just about any wildlife – very entertaining and great with the kids. He even offers his email address out to children should they have any questions they want to send him afterwards, and his beat-boxing to otters has to be seen to be believed! Dinner back at the hotel is quite relaxed in the evenings, and the hotel sufficiently small, that children can leave the table to watch a film or play in the games room, assuming they’re old enough, whilst Mum and Dad relax with one last glass of wine before retiring. Pictured is the fried cuttlefish with chorizo and chickpeas which punched some really great flavours. Polurrian Bay Hotel cuttlefish For parents with younger children, or for those looking for something even more relaxed and informal, the Vista restaurant serves food throughout the day and it wouldn’t matter one iota if you’re little one was throwing a tantrum. It’s all very easy-going with like-minded guests who are only too aware of ‘the terrible twos’ and other parenting dilemmas, meaning you can still unwind even if you’re having a ‘bad day’. Polurrian Bay Hotel Vista If the prospect of having children everywhere daunts you a little, don’t worry… the hotel has thought of that. For those desperately in need of some child-free time there is a ‘grown-ups only’ snug that you can escape to in order to read or simply have some time to yourself. Polurrian Bay Hotel snug We’d had a thoroughly enjoyable stay – for me, the highlights had been how relaxing it was for both parents and children and, of course, the hotel view… Polurrian Bay Hotel view To be honest, we weren’t relishing the 7-hour journey home but the hotel made a lovely gesture by giving us a couple of bags marked ‘Safe journey – thank you for staying’, and equipped with a few drinks and snacks for the hours that lay ahead.  What a lovely thought – silly though it may sound, it’s often the little things like this that really make a hotel for me. Polurrian Bay Hotel departure

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.

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  1. I have wanted to visit St. Michael’s Mount for some time. I envision an itinerary where I visit St. Michael’s Mount and Mont Saint-Michel on the same trip. If I ever do that, I know now where I will stay for part of the trip. Thanks for the beautiful photos and descriptions.

  2. Thanks, Lee. I have been to both – Mont. St. Michel is on a much larger scale but each has its own charm. About 30 people currently live on the island at St. Michael’s Mount but it has been much higher than that in the past.

  3. Ah yes… we were told all about that by Alex, too! Apparently, for perhaps obvious evolutionary reasons, we are hard-wired to like babies. Babies have big eyes relative to the rest of their faces, and so that is a characteristic we find endearing/cute. Seals have big eyes so we find them cute too, and it’s also the reason why many cartoon characters have big eyes, so we were told.

    In fact, there is an article in Natural History Magazine titled “A Biological Homage to Mickey Mouse” which covers this in some detail!

  4. Absolutely stunning! We heard great stories about Lizard Point and Kynance Cove. The hotel looks amazing.

  5. I had lunch there & a guided tour – I wanted to see the facilities for little ones when we take our Grand children. The purpose built play centre down the stairs is fantastic – really well equipped & so friendly. Beautiful area outside to play too.Staffed by professional nursery nurses.

  6. While I’ve been to Mont St Michel I’ve never been to St Michael’s Mount, in fact I’ve never been to Cornwall. It always looks so charming but I’ve never made it passed Devon (which I’ve been to many times). I must put that right and this hotel sounds like the perfect base. Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. Yes, Kathryn… it was indeed. There’s so much to see and do in the area that I couldn’t cover it all, so have just focussed on the places we visited. Other nearby attractions include the Flambards Experience, Helston Railway, Roskilly’s Farm, Poldark Mine and much more. A little further afield you have places such as the National Maritime Museum, Pendennis Castle, Trebah Gardens and, of course, the internationally renowned Eden Project.

  8. What a wonderful place to visit and stay. The coastline looks very scenic and a fun place to hike and I’m sure photograph. Love all the interiors of the hotel, looks wonderful!

  9. A lovely piece and fortunately the sun shone through for most of February in Cornwall, quite a contrast to the previous weeks’ weather.

    Porthcurno and Kyanance are without a doubt two of the most beautiful beaches in Cornwall – when the sun is out in full force, the turquoise water is incredible! Glad you had a lovely time Paul and come back soon!

  10. I have wanted to visit this hotel for the last 12 months and I finally managed to get down there with my family this half term. What an amazing haven for tired mothers! My children are 8, 10 and 12 and need space, fresh air and exercise. There is so much to see and do for all ages – stunning coastal walks (dog-friendly beaches in low season)fabulous indoor and outdoor pools, tennis courts, interesting local attractions a few miles away and the children loved their freedom – cinema club and games room etc etc. It ticked every box and every hotel should have an Yvonne at the helm – luxury indeed!

  11. Indeed, Katie! I just realised I foolishly neglected to mention the spa also!!! We each had ‘The Great Escape’ – a lovely body polish, facial and massage, lasting 90 minutes and described as “perfect for Mums and Dads looking for a complete top to toe relaxation experience”. It was, so much so that I think I nodded off at one point!

    We alternated on the childcare whilst we each had this but you could equally take advantage of the provision from ‘The Den’.

  12. i wondered where you’d been off to! and you went to gweek – i went there years ago – love it! favourite places – cape cornwall, the lizard and marazion – glad you enjoyed them. the hotel looks great – well away from the london style ones that are springing up and very cornish and homely!

  13. Hi Anna… yes, Cornwall it was. A few we know couldn’t believe we were going, given the weather but, as you can see from the pictures, conditions turned out to be very favourable. Can’t say I saw a great deal of Gweek – we just drove through on the way to the seal sanctuary. If you happen to go again, that’s somewhere worth visiting…

  14. Hi

    i have stayed this hotel with my familys some month before, so the Polurrian Bay Hotel is great. good facilities for tourist.

  15. Ah, this brings back fond memories of bucket and spade childhood holidays. It’s not all nostalgia as there used to be some big waves and dramatic weather, though as a child from the suburbs I used to find even that quite exciting.

    Good times and you’ve convinced me that if I head west again, as I’d like to do, that Pollurian Bay Hotel would be a good choice.

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