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15 of my favourite photos from my travels in 2015

2015 was another year filled with interesting opportunities and visits to far-flung places around the world, including trips to Japan, Singapore, UAE and the Maldives, as well as many much closer to home, including several trips around the UK. My photography continues to need some fine tuning (I will be going on a course in January) but I’d nevertheless like to share 15 of my favourite photos from 2015. Happy New Year, everyone! Please click on the accompanying links if you’d like to get an insight into any of the images. #15 Berber tent on the outskirts of Marrakech, Moroccoread more here Berber tent #14 Trader at Tsukiji fish market, Tokyo, Japan – read more here Tsukiji fish market #13 – Sunset from Vestigius Lounge in Lisbon, Portugal – read more here Sunset from Vestigius Lounge #12 Son et Lumieres at the Magna Carta celebrations at Cartmel Priory, UK – read more here  Son et Lumieres #11 Cookery class in Cornwall, UK – read more here Pizza making #10 Al fresco dining in the Maldives – read more here Adiamo #9 Cultures combine at an iftar in Dubai, UAE – read more here SMCCU #8 A vineyard lunch on the outskirts of Frankfurt, Germanyread more here Vineyard lunch #7 Mount Fuji from the air, Japan – read more here Mount Fuji #6 The moon from Kielder, UK – read more here The moon with an iPhone #5 Surfers at Ribeira d’Ilhas, Portugal – read more here Surfers at Ribeira dIlhas #4 Our dog chasing leaves at Combermere, UK – read more here Our dog chasing leaves #3 Dawn in Tokyo, Japan – read more here Aman view dawn #2 Lanterns in Chinatown, Singapore – read more here Chinatown in Singapore #1 View from Elounda Gulf Villas, Crete – read more here Elounda Gulf Villas sunrise Of course, I’d love to hear what you think about the pictures, good or bad! Which ones do you like best?

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog and has worked in the travel industry for more than 30 years. He is Winner of the Innovations in Travel ‘Best Travel Influencer’ Award from WIRED magazine. In addition to other awards, the blog has also been voted “one of the world’s best travel blogs” and “best for luxury” by The Telegraph.

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  1. These are such amazing pictures.You are lucky to visit so many far and wide places just in last year. I like the picture of the little dog in park in UK. Also love the dawn in Tokyo.The skyline looks like mini New York isn’t it?

  2. All the pictures are so nice and awesome. But i like most the Berber tent pic. The sunset image is great to see. The dog picture is also funny. I wish i got the opportunities to visit those places.

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